You hold:
KJT5, 8753, 852, T4
W/R matchpoints. RHO deals:
Do you bid 3H, or 3S?
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Better Major or Up The Line? Pre-empted
Posted 2011-October-11, 09:11
Bridge Personality: 44 44 43 34
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2011-October-11, 09:34
I always bid 3H here. It's the most flexible, and if the opps have a surprise in store for us, I can always bid 3S later and still be at the 3-level.
I am not worried about what to do over 4D (I would pass). If I were strong enough to push on over 4D, I'd just bid 4D now.
I am not worried about what to do over 4D (I would pass). If I were strong enough to push on over 4D, I'd just bid 4D now.
"I think maybe so and so was caught cheating but maybe I don't have the names right". Sure, and I think maybe your mother .... Oh yeah, that was someone else maybe. -- kenberg
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2011-October-11, 10:03
3♠. The only time I bid up the line is when I respond to a one bid, or in certain 2/1 or F1N sequences. if I had this same hand and the opening bid was 1♦ and partner doubled, I would bid 1♠.
I have good spades, so I'm less likely to get doubled. If partner bids 3N, I pass. If partner bids 4♦ - which is generally doubt about strain or a big spade raise, I have an easy 4♥ call which shows a hand like this.
I have good spades, so I'm less likely to get doubled. If partner bids 3N, I pass. If partner bids 4♦ - which is generally doubt about strain or a big spade raise, I have an easy 4♥ call which shows a hand like this.
Hi y'all!
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2011-October-11, 10:07
Phil, what if you held 5432 / KQ10x / xxx / xx ?
I ask because you gave both the "i would always bid 3S in case partner bids 4D" but also "I'm not worried about getting doubled, because my spade cards are good."
I ask because you gave both the "i would always bid 3S in case partner bids 4D" but also "I'm not worried about getting doubled, because my spade cards are good."
"I think maybe so and so was caught cheating but maybe I don't have the names right". Sure, and I think maybe your mother .... Oh yeah, that was someone else maybe. -- kenberg
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2011-October-11, 10:14
3S for me (to the OP). I am only worth one bid (and that at the 3 level) unless forced. If partner has a 3 card major it is equally likely to be either one. If I guess unlucky and choose his 3 card major I would rather be playing in Spades than Hearts.
I tentatively thought also that I would rather have a Spade lead from partner, but this is really irrelevant. Partner should not be placing me with Spade honours for the bid.
I tentatively thought also that I would rather have a Spade lead from partner, but this is really irrelevant. Partner should not be placing me with Spade honours for the bid.
Psych (pron. saik): A gross and deliberate misstatement of honour strength and/or suit length. Expressly permitted under Law 73E but forbidden contrary to that law by Acol club tourneys.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m
ing) tr. v. - Any bid made by bridge player with which partner disagrees.
"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2011-October-11, 13:24
Up the line works after an auction such as 1♦-1♥ because partner can bid 1♠ with four spades. But it just isn't applicable here. Another way to think about it is that partner has shown support for both majors, so we can bid the same way with 4-4 after the double as we would bid with 5-5 if partner had opened a minor and shown nothing in the majors.
I might bid 3♥ if there was a big disparity in suit quality such as the 5432/KQ10x example but that is the only time I would do it.
Up the line works after an auction such as 1♦-1♥ because partner can bid 1♠ with four spades. But it just isn't applicable here. Another way to think about it is that partner has shown support for both majors, so we can bid the same way with 4-4 after the double as we would bid with 5-5 if partner had opened a minor and shown nothing in the majors.
I might bid 3♥ if there was a big disparity in suit quality such as the 5432/KQ10x example but that is the only time I would do it.
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