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Should we find this slam? Lucky or good?
Posted 2011-October-11, 16:50
Our auction:
Posted 2011-October-11, 17:25
Posted 2011-October-12, 03:41
Posted 2011-October-12, 03:43
aguahombre, on 2011-October-11, 17:25, said:
Zelandakh, on 2011-October-12, 03:41, said:
This too.
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2011-October-12, 04:12
Antrax, on 2011-October-12, 03:51, said:
6 NT is interesting. Unless the defense is helpful, it seems we cannot untangle the club King for the 12th trick without losing to the club queen. "Helpful" would mean they would lead a spade at trick one, or pop the ace on the first lead if I have to break the suit.
Posted 2011-October-12, 04:17
Posted 2011-October-12, 05:51
Antrax, on 2011-October-12, 04:17, said:
Hook ♥ 9 or find a stiff 10 ?
There is also be a squeeze if N has ♣Q and ♠AQ.
Win the diamond in the long heart hand, heart to A, spade to J, A♣, 5 more rounds of ♥:
Now a diamond to the K fixes N, if he ditches a spade, playing a spade means he has to give dummy the ♣KJ, if he ditches a club, the Q♣ drops.
Even if N does not have Q♣ he's still in trouble. If he pitches a club from xx, K♣ and a spade fixes him, if he ditches a spade, leading a spade endplays him. the only way he can defeat you is to start with 3 or more diamonds and keep them.
Posted 2011-October-12, 06:17
Posted 2011-October-12, 06:24
Antrax, on 2011-October-12, 06:17, said:
Diamond honours are irrelevant, as long as he has ♠AQ and ♣Q, he has to discard all his diamonds. You only fail to make 12 if he has something like AQxxxx, x, QJxx, xx and he keeps 2 diamonds and 2 spades in the end position.