Strong hand Double or bid?
Posted 2011-September-10, 18:44
How do you reopen? Is X normal? Is 3♥ acceptable? What's better?
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2011-September-10, 21:50
Partner has not X, so he will not have 4♥ and 8 or more points.
Whatever I do, has some risk. My choices are
X - Many ways to gain. 3N makes opposite as little as xxx Axx Qxxx Qxx, or you may play 3 of a minor with decent chances to make, or partner may pass for penalty.
2NT - Reasonable shot if it shows this hand type
3♣ - I would need a 6 card suit
PASS - Could be right, but at these colors, NO WAY
3♥ - Never!
I think X is the percentage "normal" action, game is clearly possible and at worse your -100.
Posted 2011-September-11, 02:02
I might consider 2NT too.
Posted 2011-September-11, 04:24
Posted 2011-September-12, 07:39
mcphee, on 2011-September-11, 04:24, said:
Hehe, too bad he can't double his partner from time to time.
I think this is a clear Dbl: we have extra's, we'd love it when partner passes, there's a big chance he'll either bid ♥ or ♣, and if he bids ♦ he'll probably have 5+♦ in which case we'll have some play.
Posted 2011-September-12, 12:51
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-September-12, 18:40
You are entitled to consider the quality of the opps, their demeanor at the table, and the state of the match. Against superior opps early in a long match, you might reflect on the fact that the most you can lose by passing (probably) is 5 IMPs, whereas your potential downside is much more if you bid.
Against weaker opps your pard may have a penalty pass. You have to ask yourself, where did the vul vs nvul 2♠ bid come from? No weak 2 bid opener, but a potentially dangerous 2♠ jump overcall. Did RHO tank and then pass with a glum demeanor? Is declarer likely to lose an extra trick as declarer in 2♠. Opps will lose 100 per undertrick even if they aren't doubled.
There is so much to consider that the analysis could go on and on. Covering all the potential cases is too much for me tonite. But, thanks for an excellent problem hand.
Posted 2011-September-12, 20:35
Posted 2011-September-14, 11:48
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-September-14, 12:13
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2011-September-15, 11:00
pooltuna, on 2011-September-14, 12:13, said:
You have 18 HCP, Why would the other 22 HCP be evenly divided and not 10-10-2?
The argument makes sense when you have 12 HCP but not here.
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-September-15, 11:48
han, on 2011-September-15, 11:00, said:
The argument makes sense when you have 12 HCP but not here.
I guess fairly evenly divided is not clear enough. I was suggesting the average value of the other 3 hands is 7.333333 so you are probably facing somewhere between 5 and 9 HCP as for 10-10-2 that is pretty much against the odds if you are singling out partner for the 2 and as any simul will probably show.
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw