Alert! Negative double at the one-level
Posted 2011-August-26, 19:56
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2011-August-26, 23:04
Posted 2011-August-27, 01:52
JLOGIC, on 2011-August-26, 23:04, said:
Also is this a "shows" or "guarantees" or "partner bids as if".
Some pairs say it shows 4 spades, but would do it on KQx, xxx, KQx, xxxx (opposite a maybe <4 club) or xxxxx, xx, AKQx, xx, some are rigid about the exactly 4 spades.
I think takeout but may or may not have 4 spades is the most common meaning in the UK, so I'd not want to have to alert that. The corrolary is which meanings of 1♣-(1♥)-1♠ should be alertable, 4+ cards, 5+ cards ...
Posted 2011-August-27, 02:03
I ♦ bidding the suit below the suit I'm actually showing not to be described as a "transfer" for the benefit of people unfamiliar with the concept of a transfer
Posted 2011-August-27, 02:55
Cyberyeti, on 2011-August-27, 01:52, said:
Some pairs say it shows 4 spades, but would do it on KQx, xxx, KQx, xxxx (opposite a maybe <4 club) or xxxxx, xx, AKQx, xx, some are rigid about the exactly 4 spades.
I think takeout but may or may not have 4 spades is the most common meaning in the UK, so I'd not want to have to alert that. The corrolary is which meanings of 1♣-(1♥)-1♠ should be alertable, 4+ cards, 5+ cards ...
Good question. I also would sometimes make a negative X with only 3 spades playing standard methods on the usual problem hand types (such as your first example). I still would say my negative X shows 4 spades, or perhaps "almost always 4 except with a problem hand type" and explain if asked. My partner bids as if I have 4 spades, etc. I think it is an error when you almost always have 4 spades to say something like "takeout may or may not have 4 spades" even though you are trying to be accurate, it is misleading. It would be like me saying my 1N opener does not promise a balanced hand, because with 1435 and a 16 count and a stiff K of spades I open 1N.
All of this is imo I am not a laws or semantics expert.
Posted 2011-August-27, 14:19
This is a good candidate for "announcing", so opener can say "normally shows 4 or 5 spades", or "shows just spades and exactly 4", or whatever.
Posted 2011-August-29, 02:06
There are many new treatments around (2 popular ones: transfer with 4+♠ / takeout Dbl with less than 4♠) and opps won't suspect a thing (especially beginners who expect it to be a 4 card ♠). Imo the best way to handle such situation is to take a survey to see what is considered standard. Everything else should be alerted. The biggest difficulty with this approach is that standards differ regionally.
Posted 2011-August-29, 03:52
Cyberyeti, on 2011-August-27, 01:52, said:
Really? I think about 90% of players use it as showing exactly four spades.
Posted 2011-August-29, 03:59
Free, on 2011-August-29, 02:06, said:
If you make a point of asking every time, you avoid creating any UI.
There are a few similar problems caused by the alerting rules in England - for example
1NT pass 4♥ (transfer)
is not alerted or announced, even though playing this as a transfer is fairly rare. Some players solve the problem by reaching for their alert card and then guiltily withdrawing their hand. Others just ignore the rules and alert it.
Posted 2011-August-29, 04:10
gnasher, on 2011-August-29, 03:59, said:
1NT pass 4♥ (transfer)
is not alerted or announced, even though playing this as a transfer is fairly rare. Some players solve the problem by reaching for their alert card and then guiltily withdrawing their hand. Others just ignore the rules and alert it.
In Germany, the first round of bidding is specifically exempted from the "don't alert above 3NT" rule, which is, I believe, rather sensible. I have had people try to tell me I shouldn't be alerting an immediate splinter raise of partner's major opening, but oh well...
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-August-29, 05:07
mgoetze, on 2011-August-29, 04:10, said:
Same in USA
Posted 2011-August-29, 05:17

Posted 2011-August-29, 05:32
gnasher, on 2011-August-29, 03:52, said:
This is probably true, but this meaning should be alerted. According to the regulations, which I think are sensible, this double should always be alerted unless it is purely takeout, which it obviously is not if it promises something specific in a particular suit.
Posted 2011-August-29, 07:03
JLOGIC, on 2011-August-29, 05:07, said:
True, although it's not "no alert", but "delayed alert". If the call was otherwise alertable, but above 3NT at or after opener's second bid, it should be alerted after the final pass of the auction, but before the opening lead is chosen. I sometimes wonder if anyone besides me is aware of that.

As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2011-August-29, 07:58
Vampyr, on 2011-August-29, 05:32, said:
That may be what it says in one part of the regulations, but another part reads:
EBU Orange Book said:
(a) Any 'negative' or 'responsive' double played in a traditional manner, such as 1♣ (1♠) dbl showing 4 hearts, since these are examples of take-out doubles.
I agreee with you that a double which shows a specific suit and says nothing else isn't a "takeout" double, but it seems that the L&EC think otherwise.
Posted 2011-August-29, 09:04
gnasher, on 2011-August-29, 07:58, said:
I agree, and have queried this and had it confirmed that even if it shows exactly 4 cards in the non-bid major, and nothing else, it is still a "takeout" and not alerted. "Playable in the other suits" (eg say 3 cards in any specific non-bid suit) is also "takeout" and not alerted. I think the EBU when they say takeout, mean "non-penalty". However, maybe "5+ in the other major" would be a specific takeout that is not "normal" so maybe that should be alerted. Very murky.
If we can't have free announcements, then I favour a natural alerting policy, ie if it invites partner to pass with a balanced (in the context of the bidding so far) no-extra values hand then it should NOT be alerted. And when something is alerted, there should be no UI associated with any questions about the alert.
Posted 2011-August-29, 09:17
blackshoe, on 2011-August-29, 07:03, said:
JLOGIC, on 2011-August-29, 05:07, said:
True, although it's not "no alert", but "delayed alert". If the call was otherwise alertable, but above 3NT at or after opener's second bid, it should be alerted after the final pass of the auction, but before the opening lead is chosen. I sometimes wonder if anyone besides me is aware of that.

Technically, but I think it's important, it is only if a BID was otherwise alertable as passes, doubles and redoubles requiring an alert must always be alerted immediately, whatever the level.
Posted 2011-August-30, 14:58
paulg, on 2011-August-29, 09:17, said:
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2011-August-30, 21:13
awm, on 2011-August-26, 19:56, said:
- Announces takeout and penalty doubles.
- Alerts other kinds of double (for example action, co-operative, competitive, support, lead-directing, and so on). Also doubles with specific requirements (for instance take-out doubles that promise or deny four or five spades).
- The declaring side should do this automatically.
- The defenders should do so, on request.
Posted 2011-August-30, 22:45
My ideas on alerting nearly every double which isn't an offer to defend will never fly, so I have given up on advocating the concept. Someone always brings up a direct double of an opening suit bid, claiming that I advocate alerting it --so proud that they have laid waste to my position.