Best use for 2D?
Posted 2011-August-29, 21:33
Posted 2011-August-29, 21:38
~runs and hides~
[Seriously, it's one of the few 2D uses out there that does something different than what standard already can do for you, which comes up frequently, and gains frequently. But most the world is scared of it for no good reason, and bans it.]
Posted 2011-August-29, 21:55

A more serious response would say "It depends" on the rest of your system.
for us a big goal/huge goal is to try and throw a lot of hands into "nt openings" to make our one bids a bit more limited.
If throwing hands into a nt type auction to make your one bids more meaningful is not a huge issue for you than use 2d for something else that matters.
So I would ask you what is the most 'useful' use of 2d in your style?
Posted 2011-August-29, 22:00
Posted 2011-August-29, 22:04
I prefer 2♣ Mexican style and 2♦ Game force.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2011-August-29, 22:05
I prefer Flannery but weak is ok too. Mini or other varieties of Roman suck. Multi is fine too.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2011-August-29, 23:36
Siegmund, on 2011-August-29, 21:38, said:
~runs and hides~
[Seriously, it's one of the few 2D uses out there that does something different than what standard already can do for you, which comes up frequently, and gains frequently. But most the world is scared of it for no good reason, and bans it.]
I agree with this. Read the discussion on rgb a few years ago that explains why Wilkosz is good.
Posted 2011-August-30, 00:00
Siegmund, on 2011-August-29, 21:38, said:
~runs and hides~
[Seriously, it's one of the few 2D uses out there that does something different than what standard already can do for you, which comes up frequently, and gains frequently. But most the world is scared of it for no good reason, and bans it.]
1) you dont say what it is
2) you claim it comes up alot
3) you claim it gains frequently but not why
I note I recommend 2d mexican if opening nt type hands to limit one bids is important in your style...
Posted 2011-August-30, 00:05
mike777, on 2011-August-30, 00:00, said:
I note I recommend 2d mexican if opening nt type hands to limit one bids is important in your style...
Maybe I am missing something, but it seems to me that if you are going to open Mexican 2♦, then you might as well play Multi, in order to free up 2♥/2♠ for Lucas Twos, sound weak 2s, or similar.
Posted 2011-August-30, 00:10
Vampyr, on 2011-August-30, 00:05, said:
of course this makes no logic....and you dont explain.....and you do not even mention my main point
Yes you seem to be missing something since you ask
I will repeat.....the main reason we play mexican 2d is too limit our one bids....and take out `14+ nt hands; in this case 17-18
if this is not an issue for you ok but taking out 14+ opener hands is really important in some styles.
I have no idea what a lucas two bid is but I guess it is a one bid for us.
Just to repeat for effect .....14+ hands are the difficult ones for opener....roughly 14-16 with lots of shape
Posted 2011-August-30, 00:38
mike777, on 2011-August-30, 00:10, said:
I will repeat.....the main reason we play mexican 2d is too limit our one bids....and take out `14+ nt hands; in this case 17-18
if this is not an issue for you ok but taking out 14+ opener hands is really important in some styles.
I have no idea what a lucas two bid is but I guess it is a one bid for us.
A Lucas 2 bid is a weak opening with 5+ in major, 4+ in other, and is one way you can expand your opening repertoire if playing a Multi. Anyway I have investigated -- I hadn't realised that a Mexican 2♦ was a Benji-type opening; I had thought that it was used just for good balanced hands, which was why I thought that weak 2's could easily be incorporated into it.
Posted 2011-August-30, 01:07
Vampyr, on 2011-August-30, 00:38, said:
Yes mexican 2d is for good hands only. 17-19 or 18-19 bal(loosly) yes...
again the goal is to take out/reduce 14+ hands out of one bids by opener...
Just to repeat as far as the OP......try and figure out the best use/most important use of 2d in your style of opening bids.
Posted 2011-August-30, 02:21
2♦ as weak two in diamonds is OK, too.
What you should definitely not do is play Benjamin.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-August-30, 02:24
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-August-30, 02:28
Posted 2011-August-30, 02:33
whereagles, on 2011-August-30, 02:28, said:
LOL. I suppose you've never played against Wilkosz... weak 2 in diamonds is easy, you've got a cuebid.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-August-30, 02:36
mike777, on 2011-August-30, 00:00, said:
2) you claim it comes up alot
3) you claim it gains frequently but not why
I note I recommend 2d mexican if opening nt type hands to limit one bids is important in your style...
To repeat:
Read the discussion on rgb a few years ago that explains why Wilkosz is good.
I think practically everyone will know what this convention is. If not, you can google it. Also look at the discussion on Chris Ryall's website.
Posted 2011-August-30, 02:41
the hog, on 2011-August-30, 02:36, said:
Read the discussion on rgb a few years ago that explains why Wilkosz is good.
I think practically everyone will know what this convention is. If not, you can google it. Also look at the discussion on Chris Ryall's website.
I bet 100,000 to 200,000 out of a million bridge players cannot define wilkoz in detail
I bet top 500 could
in usa I bet less than 5000 playercould define in detail...maybe 1000 or less without computer
if 100 on bbo forums do without computer help right now I will be shocked
Posted 2011-August-30, 04:04
mgoetze, on 2011-August-30, 02:33, said:
Just so you know, I played Wilkosz and similar structures for like 5 years and defended against it my whole bridge life (~15 years).
If you think a "lowly" 2D is easy to defend, you're confusing mechanical ease (simple natural bids are enough to defend it) with judgement ease, i.e. choosing one tool from the set of tools available. This is where the "weak" 2D becomes far more deadly than you credit it for.
Posted 2011-August-30, 04:33
whereagles, on 2011-August-30, 04:04, said:
If you think a "lowly" 2D is easy to defend, you're confusing mechanical ease (simple natural bids are enough to defend it) with judgement ease, i.e. choosing one tool from the set of tools available. This is where the "weak" 2D becomes far more deadly than you credit it for.
In many ways a weak 2♦ is the most awkward of the weak 2s to defend, and IMO should be played in very destructive fashion. Why ?
What do you do with say a 2434 14 count ? Double and have partner bid spades ? If you double 2M, the focus is really on the other major, with 2♦, there are 2 other majors, so what do you do with one but not the other ?
Most pairs at anything below absolute top level have agreements for defending weak 2s that are geared to 2M and don't alter them for a weak 2♦, which I am convinced is not the optimal approach.