What range? You have another chance...
Posted 2011-August-25, 14:09
Bidding goes:
What do you choose?
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2011-August-25, 14:17
Anyway, I would rebid 1N. RHO's double hasn't terribly improved my hand.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2011-August-25, 14:49
1N, I toyed with pass in order to try and rightside NT (I assume I play weak NT and supp XXs) and/or rip them, but they are not vul so we are unlikely to get 200, and we are unlikely to get partner to bid NT ever anyways.
Understatement of the year!

Posted 2011-August-25, 15:13
Posted 2011-August-26, 05:25
Posted 2011-August-29, 02:58
Free, on 2011-August-26, 05:25, said:
Well, because 17 all in aces and kings is a much better than average 17.
I would also bid 1NT for the same reasons as Justin, it's a great hand if partner wants to play in a suit but not worth upgrading for NT purposes.
p.s if you are playing redouble as support, I suggest swapping 1NT and redouble, play 1NT as 3-card support and redouble as strong. Sometimes they go for a penalty.
Posted 2011-August-29, 08:10
Posted 2011-August-29, 10:56
FrancesHinden, on 2011-August-29, 02:58, said:
p.s if you are playing redouble as support, I suggest swapping 1NT and redouble, play 1NT as 3-card support and redouble as strong. Sometimes they go for a penalty.
Simple, yet excellent. Had never heard of this idea before, thanks.
Posted 2011-August-29, 10:57
whereagles, on 2011-August-29, 08:10, said:
Did you read when I wrote "it's a great hand if partner wants to play in a suit but not worth upgrading for NT purposes." ?
Posted 2011-August-29, 11:03
FrancesHinden, on 2011-August-29, 02:58, said:
Is the 1NT support bid forcing? (Would opener redouble with a strong hand containing 3-card support)?
Posted 2011-August-29, 11:09
Posted 2011-August-29, 11:55
aguahombre, on 2011-August-29, 11:09, said:
It works fine. 2NT is best played as a high-card raise, so that
Posted 2011-August-29, 13:46
JLOGIC, on 2011-August-29, 10:56, said:

There is another option, you can also play Pass as showing support.
With a weak hand, just make your normal rebid. No need to give them a free run with a weak hand and you get to bid 1NT before them.
Posted 2011-August-29, 15:13
Posted 2011-August-29, 15:26
gnasher, on 2011-August-29, 15:13, said:
I can't beat the 1998 quote, but we've been playing these methods since April 2005. We changed after seeing that Lauria and Versace swap 1NT and the support double.
Posted 2011-August-29, 16:19
quiddity, on 2011-August-29, 11:03, said:
The support 1NT rebid is not forcing. Most commonly it is a weak NT hand (assuming you are not playing weak NT openings), but it can also be an unbalanced hand not strong enough for a reverse.
Yes, most strong hands with 3-card support will redouble, but 6430/5431 hands can choose to pattern out instead.
aguahombre, on 2011-August-29, 11:09, said:
Support NTs (and support doubles, similarly) actually fit in better with strong NT systems than with weak NT openers.
When playing weak NT, one challenge for Opener when holding 15+ balanced is to show his extra strength in a competitive auction, so there's a lot to be said for using the 1NT rebid to show the strong NT type of hand.
When playing strong NT, Opener has already shown at least the strength for a minimum opening bid, so there is no need to act again to show partner you weak NT strength. Now pass/1NT can be used to deny/show 3-card support.
Posted 2011-September-02, 05:24
Gerben42, on 2011-August-29, 13:46, said:

There is another option, you can also play Pass as showing support.
With a weak hand, just make your normal rebid. No need to give them a free run with a weak hand and you get to bid 1NT before them.
This is underoptimal. Auctions such as
1m 1M
1NT pass
occasionally find opener with a 12-13 and responder with like a bad 6-7 and 1NT does 2 down vulnerable. If opener's RHO happens to bid, he helps you avoid this problem by giving opener the opportunity to pass his bid. Opener should therefore be able to capitalize and pass with a dead min balanced hand.