and it got cut off after 4NT and didn't show the play. When I shortened it to
hv=sn=mgoetze&s=SAQJ6HAK4D95CAQ85&wn=Robot&w=S7HQJT762DKT32CKJ&nn=Robot&n=ST5432H3DAQJ8CT72&en=Robot&e=SK98H985D764C9643&d=e&v=e&b=6&a=P2N(Two NT opener.)P3H!(Jacoby transfer)P4D(Superaccept; doubleton)P4N(Blackwood)P5C(Zero or three)P5D(queen ask)P5HP6SPPP&p=D4D9DKDASTS9S6S7S2S8SAH7HAH2H3H5HKH6C2H8H4HTS4H9S5SKSJD2C3CQCKC7D3DQD6D5CTC4CACJC5DTS3C9DJD7C8HJD8C6SQHQ
everything could be seen. This is rather unfortunate as it makes it tedious to copy&paste longer robot auctions into the forum.
I did post an excel file in a public google document that helps automate getting hands from myhands to a format to post in the forum. That forum post with instructions and download info is: Excel tool for posting "myhands" in the forum