I would to know the Joelcoby convention, Jacoby variant by Joel Hoersch / San Diego
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Posted 2011-August-14, 10:40
Can't find anything online, except Mr. Hoersch's email address: jhoersch@aol.com
Posted 2011-August-14, 17:14
I am a long-time partner of Joel Hoersch and I have his Joelcoby notes. If there is enough interest in it, I would be willing to publish an article on it on BridgeWinners.
Eugene Hung
Posted 2011-August-15, 16:29
eyhung, on 2011-August-14, 17:14, said:
I am a long-time partner of Joel Hoersch and I have his Joelcoby notes. If there is enough interest in it, I would be willing to publish an article on it on BridgeWinners.
I have seen the name Joelcoby in Bridgewinners, in the comments of the Sparts convention, and the comment said that this convention 2NT was a forcing raise of a major with 3 cards , i think it is more interesting than Jacoby with 4 cards. ( i hope you understand my bad english).
Tank you for your attention.
Posted 2011-August-16, 03:01
I wouldn't like it if people posted my email address like this.

"It may be rude to leave to go to the bathroom, but it's downright stupid to sit there and piss yourself" - blackshoe
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