I'd appreciate if someone would explain how bidding hesitation can be used for unfair advantage. Thanks.
Hi Tepsi,
The problem with a break in tempo (hesitation) is the potential to send unauthorized information to your partner. What is unauthorized information? The only authorized information that is suppose to be transmitted between partners is information codified in the form of a bid (1H, 3C, even pass) or the play of a card (lead A from AK, or give count signal). Sometimes, however, hesitations during an auction become unavoidable: you may have a difficult choice to bid, you may need to work out what the auction to date means if it is unusual. But for instance, if the general expectation is that you were going to pass for instance and you take a long unexpecte huddle, that has the potential of providing information to your partner.
Or during play a trump is lead to dummy's king and you, playing fourth in hand go into a two minute funk trying to decide to win your ACE or not. When you fail to win your ace, your partner now has "unauthorized information" as he (and declearer) know you have the ace. If your partners later defense is predicated on the fact that he is SURE you have the trump ace, then there is a problem.
That is, after a hesitation and resulting indecision (no bid or the play like above) gives unauthorized information to your partner and he in turn use that information to take action you have a problem. For instance, if one might view it is "safer" to balance on an auction where partner had a long hesitation than one in which he passed quickly each time. Of course such a balancing action would be illegal and unethical. The skip bid warning was created to handle this kind of information. If someone preempts in front of you without a skip bid warning and you PASS instantly, what might that convey to partner? That you had no concern that they preempted and are happy to pass. Or what if you bid over their preempt at the speed of light? You have a really good hand. And if you instead took 10 seconds to find a pass??? You had a problem and wanted to do something but you didn't know what. An ethical person waits 6-10 second after all jump bids (weak or not) before bidding so that there is no chance to accidentally send unauthorized information.
Hesitating with a singleton is a horse of a different color coffeehousing. Here you are not trying to give partner unauthorized information, you are tying to "hoodwink" declearer by innappropriate mannerism. This is also not good manners and people who do this need a stern lecture on sportsmanship.