The strength of players in the club varies considerably; North South were not regular visitors to the club.
North South had no convention card.
On putting down dummy, South announced "You know what 2NT means, partner, we discussed it last time". North said he did not remember. The director was called and asked to have the hand presented at the end of the evening as he was a playing director and had not yet played the board - he later gave a ruling.
East's view at the time was that South's unalerted 2NT was to play (with the variety of standards at the club, many pairs do not have a system of continuation after aspro). Seeking a good pairs score, East doubled. In the auction, he then assumed that South panicked on hearing the double and sought to settle in North's minor or possibly a long club suit. The double of 3D was again based on the points being evenly split and North South having got themselves into a pickle. From the auction, East can deduce that South is likely to hold between 0 and 2 spades, between 5 and 7 hearts and hence about 6 cards in the minors but with no certainty about how they are split between clubs and diamonds.
3 diamonds doubled made plus one.
Given that there is potentially both UI and misinformation, what is the approrpiate ruling ?
Many thanks from all concerned both at the table and dealing with the ruling and the appeal.