cherdano, on Sep 29 2004, 02:54 PM, said:
inquiry, on Sep 28 2004, 12:31 PM, said:
Rule of 20 - I woud open, Zar points I wuuld not. Playing weak 1NT I would open, playing roth stone I would not.
If I open i would open 1C, not 1D.Why?
If partner bids 1D over 1C, I will bid 2D
If parntre bids 1H ove 1C, I will bid 1NT
If partner bids 1S ove 1C, I will bid 2S
If I open 1D, I will not be bidding 2C so, why open the higher suit? I have a better chance of finding our minor suit fit with a 1C opening bid.. .
That's all correct, but only if your style allows to raise 1
♠ with 3cd support. If not, then there is something to be said for opening 1
♦, as you can rebid 2
♣ over 1
♠, or after
Btw, I much prefer being given the precise hand instead of all those 'x'. If the hand is Q32 32 AQ32 KJ32 I might pass it, while I would certainly open Q98 32 AQ96 KJ87.
you can rebid 1NT easily. who said 1NT rebid needs unbid suits stopped or semi-stopped? hehe.
ALso, if you do play NT rebids guarantee unbid suits stopped or half stopped, you will often face hands unbidable. Suppose you hold SAQx Hxxx DAKx CAQxx, you would be completely out of bid if your partner bid 1S over your 1C opening.
Change the hand to AQx xx AKxx AQxx, you'll be out of bid as well. 2NT would be the only right bid for these two cases.
Still, if you rebid 1NT, you would have no problem at all to find the best game or slam because you can then use two way nmf, which is one of the most powerful gadgets in bidding. And you can often find the best partial as well if your partner holds a weak hand, very long in the unbid minor. You might not find the best partial only when your partner holds 5-3-3-2 shape, weak spades and decides to pass your 1NT and that's no big deal. You might be wrong sided in 3NT sometimes, after 1D 1S 1N 3N, but who said 3NT has to be played by partner? your partner might hold short clubs and HAK, in that case, you really want to declare. Or your partner holds Hxxx, but opps didn't find heart lead! So positional issue should never be more important than describing your overall strength and shape.
Also, over 1D 1S , I feel 2S is an awful raise because you have no singleton.
You may often belong to 1NT when partner's spade is weak. And
there is no way for you to describe your hand if you raise 1S to 2S and partner happens to hold 4 card spades, because there are just too many balanced hand types, even a relay structure can't show them all.
I am not against three card raise, but I raise only when I have shape and I do have a relay structure to show all these different hand types. Also, if there is some kind of structure can also show this kind of balanced hands with 3 trumps, please show me. Thanks.