You're playing in a new (3-4 previous sessions) partnership. You have agreed to play "systems on" over doubles of opponent's NT bids. In your NT system, 1NT - 2D - 3C shows a max with 3 hearts and a concentration of values in clubs. Do you assume this applies here? And regardless, what do you bid?
Systems on over 1NT X ACBL
Posted 2011-July-29, 10:14
You're playing in a new (3-4 previous sessions) partnership. You have agreed to play "systems on" over doubles of opponent's NT bids. In your NT system, 1NT - 2D - 3C shows a max with 3 hearts and a concentration of values in clubs. Do you assume this applies here? And regardless, what do you bid?
Posted 2011-July-29, 10:17
Posted 2011-July-29, 11:02
I try 3NT, maybe pass is better but by bidding 3NT I cater to the possibility that p actually has a superaccept.
btw, why is this in the laws and rulings forum?
Posted 2011-July-29, 11:26
helene_t, on 2011-July-29, 11:02, said:
I suspect that there is a ruling involved that we will hear about soon.
Indianapolis Bridge Center
Posted 2011-July-29, 13:25
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2011-July-30, 08:13
blackshoe, on 2011-July-29, 13:25, said:
I assume not since it's in this forum.
I think you are obliged to bid 3♥ but not 4♥ with the poor fitting shape. If pard disagrees with the methods, you are allowed to get lucky ONLY if you are consistent with your own interpretation. (I think?)
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2011-July-30, 13:26
But having got that far, there seem to be two possible interpretations of 3C: either it's a transfer break, or he's got short hearts and long clubs. Both are possible agreements.
Playing with screens I would pass 3C, because I think he needs to be able to bid a good hand with clubs somehow. But it's a guessing game and if I have UI suggesting he doesn't have heart support, then passing 3C is not carefully avoiding taking advantage of it.
Posted 2011-July-31, 02:49
Posted 2011-July-31, 03:25
I would prefer an announcement rather than alert, but the ACBL regulation on it is clear, so Alert it is. After a diamond or heart transfer response at any level to any level natural notrump opening, overcall or rebid. Bolded emphasis is mine.
There are plenty of folks who extend Systems-On to advancing a Dbl of the opposing 1NT opening, and respond as if partner had opened 1NT. Item for Suggestions for Changing laws/regulations, but announcement seems more consistent with the rest of the announcement regulation than an alert, IMO.
As to what I would bid, first I need to know what 3C over partner's transfer means in my system.
Posted 2011-July-31, 05:34
peachy, on 2011-July-31, 03:25, said:
I think that this fad will have died out before the next draft of the alerting regulations is completed!
Posted 2011-August-01, 10:49
The director ruled table result stands, and said 5 of 6 people polled passed 3C and the other bid 3H and passed 4C.
They actually told us who was polled - is that normal? I thought it was interesting that all of the people polled were substantially better players than the people at the table. So they were polling people who probably would have passed the double, probably wouldn't have agreed to play these methods, and knew that you needed a way to show a strong 1-suiter if partner didn't sit.
Posted 2011-August-01, 13:01
It's not unusual to poll really good players who are better than peers of the players at the table, on the assumption that they can put themselves in the position of the lesser skilled (the opposite, of course, is not possible). The TD would have to say something like "assume you're a beginner" in preface to the problem, though.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2011-August-01, 14:52
Passing 3♣ solely due to 2♦ not being alerted is an infraction isn't it?
I would guess that none of the pollees play these methods, especially the 3♣ bid showing 3♥ and a good hand to account for 5 of them passing 3♣.
It would help to know exactly how the polling question was framed as the Director is probably unfamiliar with the methods as well.
Ruling no damage because a 3♥ bid would get 4♣ passed out is a stretch at least since at least 11 red cards have been shown here. If the auction had proceeded 3♥ then 4♣ passed out, I wouldn't even call the Director on them but we will never know.
Seems really wrong to allow someone who committed an infraction (if it is) to land on their feet assuming they would have negotiated this same benefit as someone who came by it after bidding 3♥ at great risk.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2011-August-01, 20:55
Posted 2011-August-01, 21:16
barmar, on 2011-August-01, 20:55, said:
The OP stated that this is not the case. If you want to play methods that are not mainstream, I think you have a responsiblity here.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2011-August-02, 07:05
ggwhiz, on 2011-August-01, 14:52, said:
Of course, but that is not what was ruled.
Merseyside England UK
Currently at home
Visiting IBLF from time to time
Posted 2011-August-02, 15:19
FrancesHinden, on 2011-July-30, 13:26, said:
But having got that far, there seem to be two possible interpretations of 3C: either it's a transfer break, or he's got short hearts and long clubs. Both are possible agreements.
Playing with screens I would pass 3C, because I think he needs to be able to bid a good hand with clubs somehow. But it's a guessing game and if I have UI suggesting he doesn't have heart support, then passing 3C is not carefully avoiding taking advantage of it.
Having played this agreement quite a bit in the past (starting in the late 80's so it's not a recent fad), Frances is spot on with her assessment in the second paragraph. The doubler does not need to have an unbalanced hand, so needs the break to be natural. What to do now is less clear, but 3NT and pass seem like the primary choices.
Posted 2011-August-02, 15:20
ggwhiz, on 2011-August-01, 21:16, said:
Oops, forgot that the OP said that they had such an agreement.
Now it sounds like doubler thought that "systems on" referred to advancer's bids (2♦ shows ♥), but not doubler's continuations (so breaking the transfer doesn't imply support).
They need to be on the same page here, and if they're not they can't complain if they get ruled against.