Cyberyeti, on 2011-July-23, 12:47, said:
I was just utterly shocked as even when not playing my pet method, I've never heard anybody explain this as GF and I certainly never have so was VERY surprised to be told it was standard given that I'm closing in on 35 years of play, >25 of that at a decent level, I would have expected to have seen it by now.
Why if you have decent methods, for 1x-P-1y-P-? do you need to bother changing them ? I'd have thought you're less likely to hold a GF here than without the overcall.
Yes there are hands where opener can cue and dont have a gf hand, such as the one below, but i am having hard time to construct hands where opener cues and dont have a gf hand to be honest. Not many hand types you can come up with that can not be bid naturally.
This hand may not have enough for GF values vs a very weak 1 level response, but reaching a no play game when hold this will not be worse than missing games or confusion or fear of being passed in a complicated NON-GF opener's cue.
She is trying to give some basic information to B/I players. And i believe she and Wank did it very well. It is extremely confusing to try to explain a B/I level player when and how and why they can stop before game, after opener makes a cue, which by the way, is a very tuff decision even for experts. Imo this will not only confuse them but will cause a lot of disasters.
To me what she says is std but I am not saying what you suggest is wrong, i would jump on your suggestion in A/E section and i would find it worth to listen, but not in B/I section. I think when writing in B/I pages, the simplicity and accuracy of the msg given is more important than the need for theoretical debate.
Cyberyeti, on 2011-July-23, 12:47, said:
Why if you have decent methods, for 1x-P-1y-P-? do you need to bother changing them ? I'd have thought you're less likely to hold a GF here than without the overcall.
I also have a lot to say about this statement but i will not due to the reasons i wrote above.
mck4711, on 2011-July-22, 17:19, said:
* first Q: does 1S show 4+ or 5+? forcing? or is neg. X playable, ideally of course for both unbid?
** 2nd Q: is the overcall here the best bid? or overbid, and 2C (maybe 3C) the better choice?
*** 3rd Q: similar to Q2 - good or bad bid? if bad, what else, 3C?
? what to bid here?
P had 10xxx, Axx, Kxx, Qxx
A1-Playing std methods 1
♠ shows 4+
A2-I think 2
♦ is overbid, i would have bid 3
♣ but i can live with 2
♣ too.
A3-Hard for me to answer this due to 1 and 2.