MrAce, on 2011-July-27, 20:12, said:
No i dont think it worths 20 hcp, i think this hand worths more than 20 hcp, i am very surprised to see someone who think it worths less than 20 hcp. You made me curious and i checked the credible sources to value this hand
Of course you entitled to disagree, but here what they say;
KNR = 20.70
ZAR= 37 (almost 21)
Kleinman = bad 21
You are too busy to dump values of a stiff K and ignore the fact that this hand also has AKQx and AJT9 suits

There's a good reason I said that, as I posted above, the minor suit cards are nice. If you're going to make 3N, how many flat 5 counts give you a prayer ? The issue is the entry problems a stiff K give you opposite a weak hand. Unless partner has the J
♣, you're very unlikely to have the entries to lead up towards the diamonds twice (if partner has no
♦ honour)and have a heart stop. Give partner say xxx, AQxx, xxxx, xx, plenty to raise to 3N, but it's horrible on the likely heart lead.
If partner has 4 spades, I may well have done the wrong thing, but for 3N, I think partner will need a 7 count most of the time, particularly if he doesn't have the
♣J which he'll only have about 1/4-1/3 of the time if he has 5-7. In a weaker hand, where if we're in 3N, partner will have more cards, the stiff K problem is a lot less so AJ109 twice and a stiff K is worth more than 13, but the bigger the hand (and hence the less partner will have) the bigger the problem gets.
I'd be very interested to see some simulations with/without 4 spades, and see the average point count required from partner to make 3N/4
♠. You'd need to adjust slightly for unerringly finessing Kx(x)(x)
♦ the right way, but then the opps will always play the heart suit to best advantage so that may be a wash.
If partner has
♥ Jxxxxx, you may well also get to the wrong game if you open 2N.