B. No Rectification
There is no rectification as in A following an established revoke:
7. when both sides have revoked on the same board.
Have I missed something? Is this not a matter of complete clarity, unlike many laws? There is no rectification for an established revoke as in A - ie penalty tricks - if the other side revoke, whether established or not. I am not convinced that is what they meant, but how can it mean anything else?
pran, on 2011-July-20, 03:10, said:
Law 62D is a spesific law that applies to revokes in trick 12 (and explicitly whether or not the revoke is established).
We have a firm rule that specific laws take precedence over general laws.
Oh yes: which Law says this?
jhenrikj, on 2011-July-20, 00:52, said:
Not at all. Headings are not part of the Laws. If they meant established revokes they would says so, as they do in