Hey, Inquiry just upgraded me from "perhaps taking more tricks" to "probably taking more tricks"! Perhaps I was automatically downgraded in the first place, and was upgraded back to where I started. While Inquiry can probably write a whole book about upgrading, downgrading and counting points, I doubt that anybody will become a better bridge player from reading it.
Posted 2011-July-22, 02:13
Please note: I am interested in boring, bog standard, 2/1.
- hrothgar
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-July-22, 04:21
Which is exactly what people following the thread are interested in, experts' evaluations of one another, preferably in a sarcastic manner. I don't want to go all Lurpoa here, but the question and the answers given are quite interesting, and it's a shame it all has to be interspersed with insults.