RMB1, on 2011-July-07, 16:06, said:
The EBU's approach to Law 27 as codified at the Panel TD weekend last autumn is:
- Take the offender and way from the table, and discover the intended meaning of the insufficient bid (or whether this is in fact a Law 25 case).
- Return to table and give LHO his options.
- Do not tell LHO if Law 27B1a applies or which (if any) calls would be permitted by Law 27B1b.
- But LHO is allowed to ask questions about their agreements.
- If the insufficient bid is not accepted, offer to discuss the possible calls with offender away from table.
- Once offender has made his replacement call, apply law 27B and follow up as necessary (including Law 27D).
See my
updated spiel for law 27.
I know you do not like this Law at all, Robin, but thanks for summarising this guidance.
My advice to the LHO of the IBer is as follows:
Ask the IBer's partner to explain the meaning of the IB.
Case 1.: He gives an explanation of the meaning. I now ask the IBer's partner the meaning of pertinent sufficient bids in this auction and conclude which sufficent bids have the same meaning* as, or a more precise meaning* than, the insufficient bid. I use this information when deciding to accept the IB. There are now two possibilties:
(a) LHO's explanation of the meaning accords with the intended meaning the IB'er (or at least what the IB'er told the TD the intended meaning was). No problem: I have been told what I needed to know.
[b] LHO's explanation of the meaning does not accord with the intended meaning the IB'er (or at least what the IB'er told the TD the intended meaning was). If, unexpectedly to me, a 27B1b replacement call is allowed, and I feel damaged as a result, I call the TD back at the end of the hand and ask for an adjusted score, citing the misinformation Laws.
Case 2: He explains that the IB does not have a meaning consistent with any hands at all. As all plausible replacement sufficient bids do mean something, I observe that none of these plausible replacement sufficient bids has the same meaning* as, or a more precise meaning* than, the insufficient bid and that therefore none of these bids can be substituted under Law 27B1b.
[* the meaning of (information available from) a call is the knowledge of what it shows and what it excludes. ]