cherdano, on Sep 23 2004, 10:17 AM, said:
Why can't East have three clubs and three trumps? That would make him
1-3-6-3, e.g. x-xxx-KT9xxx-KJx
I think vul versus not vul, bidding 2D on a six card suit headed by the KT is probably not something everyone would favor, but it hardly matters to my line. The line we are using works if you guess whcih way to play the club suit honors. So let's put constraints on EAST's clubs, he can have one of the following holdings...
Kx KJx
KJ K9x
K9 Kxx
Jx J9x
9x 9xx
xx KJ9
I think if he holds KJ9, that is too tough. IF he hold King-JACK doubleton, you can lead any club from dummy. If he holds Kx, you can lead any club but the queen, if he holds Jxx or J9x you had best not lead the queen. If he holds K9x you can lead any club but the Ten, if he holds Kxx, you are back to any club again. When he has 9x, xx, it is best not to lead the queen.
So if he has K9x of clubs and 1-3-6-3, my line still works. It fails if he has KJx of clubs, where leading club Ten ot Queen is required. Rest of guessing discussion stopped.. we all guessing, so.. let's be rewarded when right.
inquiry said:
So instead give the heart ACE to west. He has to duck first round (as he has no good exit card anyway). [After club to the ace, Arend] Now East wins club king and exits his singleton spade. I win in my hand with ACE, and ruff a diamond and lead the good club Queen. East has to ruff (or I can ruff a diamond and score (2Druff, 2C, 1D, 4H, 1S), I overruff, and exit a heart.
Arend said:
Aren't you down if East follows to your club Queen? If you discard anything, West can ruff low (assuming he had Axx in trumps), and cash the spade king. If you ruff, he overruffs, cashes spade king, and gives partner a ruff. Your only hope is to discard a spade and hope that West had Ax in trumps.
No, I will not be down if EAST follows to the third club, because of this ending. Here is the situation I think you are talking about.
T1. DA
T2. CA
T3. HK
T4. C-->K
T5. SA
T6. Diamond ruff...
If you are going 1-3-6-3 (three clubs is clearly right when jack falls), You can be fairly sure EAST doesn't have heart ace, for with x Axx KT98xx Kxx he might have overcalled 1D, not 2. So if EAST follows to the top club, you pitch a spade thinking WEST will ruff iwth the heart ACE rather than EAST underbid with 2D. And if east shows out on the club, if he doesn't ruff, great. There is your extra trick already. When WEST ruffs he is hopeless. If he returns low spade for his partner to ruff. You threatent to cross ruff the hand, but if he leads his heart, dummy is good. If he cashes good spade and continues low spade, you criss ruff the hand. If he leads his hypothetical thrid diamond, you ruff in dummy, and now enjoy, 5H, 1D, 2D ruff, 1C, 1S for ten tricks.
Anyway, lhis is all probably wrong, so let's wait to see the cute ending from phil.