Kaplan Inversion and Gazzilli problem playing both conventions
Posted 2011-June-20, 14:21
1H-1NT (5+♠)
2C (clubs or 16+)
What is responder supposed to bid with something like J9xxx x KQxx xxx?
When playing both conventions at the same time, do people generally only play it over 1H-1S or do they just make something up if a hand like the above comes up?
Posted 2011-June-20, 14:56
manudude03, on 2011-June-20, 14:21, said:
1H-1NT (5+♠)
2C (clubs or 16+)
What is responder supposed to bid with something like J9xxx x KQxx xxx?
When playing both conventions at the same time, do people generally only play it over 1H-1S or do they just make something up if a hand like the above comes up?
I play a different version of Gazilli, but I'm a bit confused by your question. I don't see what KI has to do with this problem. Imagine you WEREN't playing KI. Now you have the auction
You still are stuck with that hand, because that is a pretty bad five card suit to repeat.
As to what to bid with your hand, I don't know. I'm guessing something to do with partnership agreement about followups.
Posted 2011-June-20, 15:01
This is acutally kind of hand when Gazilli gains despite this ugly rebid because in "standard" bidding you would face either 2NT or 3m rebid and would be force to bid 3NT (or 4D after 3d) which is kinda random at this point in hand.
Posted 2011-June-20, 20:23
I think it's better to divide the better hands initially with a strong club/diamond system instead of on the second round.
Posted 2011-June-21, 01:36
I do think Jxxxx x xxx KQ10x is a worse hand for Gazzilli.
Posted 2011-June-21, 02:24
bluecalm, on 2011-June-20, 15:01, said:
...unless opener actually does have a minimum hand with clubs, LOL.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-June-21, 03:52
Just to understand the involved conventions better and because of curiosity on my side:
As far as I understood Gazzilli, Gazilli is on after a forcing NT response to a 1M opening
bid, and it is the cheapes available bid, that happens to be 2C.
As far as I understood KI, KI swaps the meaning of 1S and the forcing NT response.
The reason to play Gazilli is to solve some issues opener faces, since the forcing NT may contain
responding hands with inv. strength.
The reason to play KI is to have the same room after a 1H opening as after a 1S opening.
So the seq.
1H - 1NT (KI = 5+ spades)
2C -
is not a Gazilli seq., the equvivalent seq. would be
1H - 1S (KI <= 4 spades)
1NT - ...
Are the above outlined thoughts and conclusion correct?
With kind regards
PS: I can understand the wish to play 1NT as natural, although that would defeat the purpose of playing KI.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2011-June-21, 05:57
P_Marlowe, on 2011-June-21, 03:52, said:
bid, and it is the cheapes available bid, that happens to be 2C.
No, Gazzilli is any 2♣ rebid after a 1M opening, thus
are all the Gazzilli sequences. Whether 1NT is forcing or not is not very relevant.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-June-21, 06:02
Posted 2011-June-21, 08:13
1M-1x-2NT is 18-19 balanced. 1M-1x-3y is invitational 5-5. What are your thoughts on the above?
The reason I mentioned KI at the same time was that on the hand I posted, I'd be a lot more comfortable bidding 2S without KI since partner hasn't denied 3 card support.
Posted 2011-June-21, 08:27
manudude03, on 2011-June-21, 08:13, said:
Generally speaking, investing a lot of bidding (actual bids, bidding space, schemes, memory, notes etc.) into finding the best partscores every time has a low return relative to efforts relating to games and slams. Most systems will find themselves in Burns-law-breaking (opps have more trumps) contracts occasionally. For example in standardish, responder would pass 1♥-1♠;-2♣ with 5-1-4-3 minimum, yet 2♣ will contain some 15-18s with no other good bid, sometimes having just 3♣s. Part and parcel of conventions like Gazzilli is that you don't expect the best result always, just that the gains outweigh the losses. However even when responder has to rebid 2♠ over Gazzilli, and not the easier 2♦ and 2♥ rebid sequences, doesn't mean you are in misfit city on all hand types.
Posted 2011-June-21, 08:53
1♥ - 1♠:
1NT = ♦ or balanced or any 16+
2♣ = 5+♥ 4+♣ 11-15
2♦ = 6+ ♥
2♥ = 5+♥ 4♠
2♠ = 5+♥ 4+♠ 16+
2NT = some 6/4, 13+-15
3m = 5/5 13+-15
After 1♥ - 1♠// 1NT, 2♣ is the 8+ relay and then:
2♦ = 5+♥ 4+♦ 11-15
2♥ = balanced 11-15
2♠ = **6+♥ 16+**
This structure lets you get out in 2m while only giving up playing 1NT. You also don't get to play exactly 2♥ when responder is very weak and opener has a ♠ reverse. Anyways, just an idea.
Posted 2011-June-27, 14:00
However, while I don't like making the 1NT call because of this, it is no help to treat it like a 4 card suit by bidding 1♠. While I could then pass 1NT from partner, he would also make that bid with 4 spades (we have a 2♣ follow-on inquiry) and we would look a bit silly playing in 1NT when we have a 5/4 spade fit.
So - opponents have called the director now for my hesitation - I just bid 1NT. But I may get lucky - partner may still have 6 hearts; if he goes for game we have room to reach the right contract; he may have spade support. On the actual resulting 2♥ contract, if it turns out badly then I shrug and content myself with the times when gazzilli has paid off.
Posted 2011-June-28, 02:56
mattias, on 2011-June-28, 02:05, said:
1M - 1X
2♣ strong or onesuited
2M major and clubs
That's a bit short through the corner imo. There are very good reasons not to play this way. Gazzilli isn't a flawless convention, but it will give you an edge more often than it will produce a problem. This makes it a good treatment imo. Reversing the meanings will produce problems more often than the original.
What will you do after 1♥-1NT-2♥ showing 5♥ and 3+♣? Bid 3♣ with the risk of playing a 4-3 fit? It's pretty much the same like after 1♥-1NT-2♣ using the normal meanings.
Something else I was thinking about. There's no reason to worry about rebidding a poor 5 card ♠. When not playing KI the auction would go 1♥-1♠-2♣-2♠, so you're in the same situation. All you need to do is agree that 2♠ doesn't promisse any extra ♠s and you'll be fine most of the time.
Posted 2011-June-28, 04:41
Free, on 2011-June-28, 02:56, said:
What will you do after 1♥-1NT-2♥ showing 5♥ and 3+♣? Bid 3♣ with the risk of playing a 4-3 fit? It's pretty much the same like after 1♥-1NT-2♣ using the normal meanings.
Something else I was thinking about. There's no reason to worry about rebidding a poor 5 card ♠. When not playing KI the auction would go 1♥-1♠-2♣-2♠, so you're in the same situation. All you need to do is agree that 2♠ doesn't promisse any extra ♠s and you'll be fine most of the time.
Right, this only works with a semiforcing 1NT, so that 2M would show 4♣. Don't make this switch when playing a forcing 1NT.
Posted 2011-June-28, 07:27
Free, on 2011-June-28, 02:56, said:
I am not so sure it is unworkable. If you play Gazzilli as being either strong or clubs, you can't play in 2♣ when clubs, but have to play in 3♣. So in the reversed meanings if 2♥ guaranteed 4 clubs, it is no worse. Just alter the meaning so that 2♣ is strong, or one suited, or balanced. Now a 1♥ 1NT 2♥ sequence has a 4 card club suit.
As with normal Gazzilli a very weak responder will not bid 2♦ but something else, so with this version. After 2♦, though, you could have 2♥ single suited, not strong, 2♠ balanced 12-14, 2NT balanced 15/16, and the strong versions bidding at the 3 level. This is assuming you do not open 1NT with a 5 card najor. If you do, the spade/NT rebid can have more precise meanings.
Posted 2011-June-28, 07:33
Free, on 2011-June-28, 02:56, said:
On reflection, I think this is a very good idea. I originally hesitated, replied 1NT and rebid 2♥, but now I will compound my felony and correct my bidding to 1NT followed by 2♠.

When it comes to a choice of 5/1 fits, then it it is better to have trumps as the weaker suit in responder's hand imo.
Posted 2011-June-28, 08:24
fromageGB, on 2011-June-28, 07:27, said:
As with normal Gazzilli a very weak responder will not bid 2♦ but something else, so with this version. After 2♦, though, you could have 2♥ single suited, not strong, 2♠ balanced 12-14, 2NT balanced 15/16, and the strong versions bidding at the 3 level. This is assuming you do not open 1NT with a 5 card najor. If you do, the spade/NT rebid can have more precise meanings.
The biggest drawback of reversed Gazzilli is the handling of 16-17HCP hands opposite a weak hand. As a bonus argument it doesn't respect the fast arrival principle in many cases.
- When opener has 16-17HCP, he has to bid 2♣. Now with the standard Gazzilli responder will rebid 2M on a doubleton which is a playable partscore. Opener will just pass (fast arrival). With reversed Gazzilli responder may bid 2M on a singleton, which requires opener with only 5 card M to bid one more time. This may get the partnership too high or in a poor 2NT contract.
- When opener is singlesuited, then you'll usually just play 2M whatever responder's hand is (sometimes even with a void!). So bidding 1M-1Z-2M is fast arrival to the spot you'll most likely play.