apologies east has k76 spades and no 3 diamonds--north has 3 diamonds -and not he K spades
Firstly as Norh-i decided to pass with a view to my backing in later, when 2h came up {Weak}
my pard bid 3cl-now west bid 4nt-which to me sounded as ace asking,
he must have a rock crusher--so raher than bidding 5d {Backing in} I
bid 6 Diamonds-this produced 6hts-now my partner bid 7 Diamonds,
I fell off my chair--- hence came up x from the 4 n/t
The lead i recieved was 6 spades so ruffed in dummy-small ht from dummy and ruffed,
took stock and thght time to play clubs so small Queen-and jack dropped,cashed K diamonds,
ruffed another heart claimed... a h lead does no defea also-an iniial d lead makes it
a little ricky
Very lucky-we recieved 98.8%-I have played many hands in my time-this was very pleasurable.
an aside also twice-- i have defended a n/t contract -opps bad bidding,and we have taken
all 13 tricks---and also have witnessed Helgemo/Tor defend against Zia/Robson,they to
took all 13 tricks doubled