Match points
This came from a small (3 table club game. The 3NT was, by my own admission, a bit of a gamble, but partner might have the heart K or Jxx. Even xxx works if hearts split. When I got a spade lead and both opponents followed to the first diamond, I claimed 13 tricks. When I opened the traveler, I was disapointed to see that this was only worth 1 match point. At one table the hand had been played at 7NT by South, making! I think East may have made a spade overcall at that table.
I wondered why, at my table, East did not lead a heart (she had 4 to the AK) which would have beat 3NT. For some reason, she said she had decided it best to lead from her 5 card suit.
The zero on this board went to the pair that managed to avoid NT completely, bidding 5♦