cherdano, on Sep 29 2004, 11:17 AM, said:
Ben, thanks for reminding about your 1NT-unload thread.
How do you distinguish between invitational balanced and GF balanced after 1M-2♣? Does responder have to rebid 3NT, say after 1M-2♣-2M? I assume a new suit bid would be natural and imply 2♣ was natural 2/1 GF? What do you rebid with the constructive raise in this situation?
Thanks, Arend
First, this 2C only is after first or second seat opening bid, after third and fourth it is three card support drury....
Over 2C, opener responds almost exactly as if if it was drury. He will rebid his major if he would pass a limit raise with 11.12 hcp and three card support.. think abou that, if partner doesn't want to be in game opposite a balanced 11,12 with three card support, where does he want to be opposite a balanced 11,12 with two card support? Not game. So if I bid 2C with 11, 12 and partner rebid his suit, I pass. Sure you maybe in a 5-2 fit, but you might be in 6-2 or even 5-3 ... if you balanced hand included three card support). So over this 2M, I play 2NT as 100% forcing.
So far this has worked well.. I guess someday there will be the ahnds were being in exactly 2NT will be better than 2M... but it hasn't happened yet. This means if partner bids 2D, he has more than a dead a minimum. Now, I play 2NT by responder as showing two card support, balanced 11/12, or 16+ balanced (it is now forcing, given openers failure to bid 2M).
The only time a 2NT rebid actually is nonforcing and shows exactly 11/12 is this auction.. 1S-2C-2H-2NT... here opener can pass, because 2H did not promise extras, it just showed 5-4 in the majors.
Now to your other questions...
1M=2C-2M ... does a new suit imply clubs? Yes, anything other than pass or NT promoses clubs.. EVEN A RAISE TO 3S promises clubs.
1M-2C-2M... what do you do with a construtive raise? I pass. with any hand 8 to 12 points and 3 card support I pass tis 2M... if I decide that my 12 points is too good to pass, I jump to 4S. The one thing I don't do is bid 3S, wihch is slam try with real clubs and real spade support.
1M-2C-2M... does responder have to bid 3NT? No, 2NT is now forcing, see above.
How do you distinguish between invintational and GF balanced after 1M-2C? Opener helps. If he bids 2D (extra valuses), then 3NT is 13-15 balanced, 2NT is 11-12 or 16+.. .if 16+ and partner showed extra with his 2D, you will not accepet a simple 3NT sign off.. you can bid 4NT quantattitve over openers 3NT signoff. If opener rebid 2M (weak and pasable), iwth invite balanced, I just play 2M.