responses to mini/weak nt 2C invitational puppet/garbage stayman
Posted 2004-September-17, 09:13
2H/S = to play
2NT = puppet to 3C which is pass/correct preemptive bid
3C/D/H/S = invitational with 6+
2C=invitational puppet, opener rebids a 5M or 6m else 2D... 2D can be passed by responder (say a 0 hcp 3352 hand).. after 2D:
2H=<4 hearts, may have 4 spades.. used to invite 2NT... a 2NT bid over opener's 2S would show <4 spades, <4 hearts, invitational to 3NT but no shape
2S=4 hearts, <4 spades, invitational - opener can sign off at 2NT, bid 3NT, sign off at 3H, bid 4H
2NT=invitational 4/4 in majors - opener can pass, etc
3C=invitational 5/4 in majors (bid color of 5 carder)
3D=invitational 4/5 in majors (bid color)
3H/S=invitational with 5, but MUST have shape (else bid as above - "shape" would be 2524 or better)
3NT=unused (suggestions?)
i think that's it for 2C, i'll look to see if i left anything off
Posted 2004-September-17, 09:36

2S=4, denies hearts
2NT=any 4333
3D=4/4 minors
3H/S/NT= 5 diamonds with 2353, 3253, and 3352 distribution in order
if opener shows hearts or spades and has 5 of them, he can show this on the next relay... for example:
1NT : 2D
2H : 2S
3H = this shows exactly 2533 distribution.. 3S would show 3523 and 3NT 3532... the same structure for spades
if responder bids next cheapest it is always an asking relay... exceptions are:
1) any 3NT bid is to play (by responder)
2) any jump to 4M, 5m, 6any is to play
after distribution is known, next relay is a minimum/maximum ask IF it can be made below 3S... for example:
1NT : 2D
2NT : 3C - 2NT showed any 4333, 3C asks
3D : 3H - 3D showed 3334 exactly, 3H min/max ask
4C - i put this to show how you can 'zoom' if you want.. 4C shows max hand with 4 controls.. for a 10-13 NT, 1 or 2 controls is considered minimum... for 12-14 we use 2 or 3 as minimum... so the 4C bid above shows max hcp AND one control above minimum... always show minimum with min hcp OR with min controls
if no room for, or if after, a min/max ask, there is a control ask... remember, responder can place the contract after opener's dist is known, so usually a control ask is slam looking... spiral scan always is.. example of control ask:
1NT : 2D
2H : 2S = 4 hearts : asking
2NT : 3C = 4/4 majors : asking
3H : 3S = 4432 : min/max ask
3NT : 4C = either min hcp OR min controls (2/3 if 12-14) : control ask
4S : = 5 controls if 12-14.. 4NT by responder would be spiral scan
Posted 2004-September-17, 09:51
spiral scan is used after controls are known... it's always a slam look, and has a few rules... a well-oiled p'ship can change any or all of these depending on available RAM
1) scan order is always from longest to shortest (3=4=2=4 order would be H/C/S/D)
2) if, as above, equal length always start with highest ranking
3) for first 2 suits, A and K are considered top honors
4) for last 2 suits, the Q is added
5) doubletons are only scanned once
this is a denial cuebidding system.. so the first step denies one of top 2 honors OR shows all 3.. for example:
1NT : 2D
2NT : 3C = any 4333
3D : 3H = 3334
3S : 4C = minimum controls, hcp, or both
4D : 4H = 2 or 3 controls (if 12-14 nt)
4S = either neither of the top 2 OR the top 3
4NT = a top club, denies a top spade
5C = top club, top spade, denies top heart
5D = top club, top spade, A,K, or Q of hearts
5H = top club, top spade, A,K, or Q of hearts and diamonds
5S = top club, top spade, one of top 3 in ♥ & ♦, and another top club
impossible to show all types of examples, so ask if specific questions
Posted 2004-September-17, 10:13

Posted 2004-September-17, 11:38
Posted 2004-September-18, 02:18
[EDIT: Senior moment, but I think I may have posted my responses in these forums before, but I cannot find them through the search engine. Probably not using correct keywords. If anyone else finds the thread can they let me know? Or even advise if they can recall seeing them?]
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2004-September-18, 05:04
Posted 2004-September-19, 10:07
luke warm, on Sep 17 2004, 04:36 PM, said:

No problem m8, you're the one playing this, I'm not

Posted 2004-September-19, 10:18
Posted 2004-September-19, 10:23
Posted 2004-September-19, 10:53
Consider inverting your major answers after GF Stayman. Helps strong-side the hands.
2♥: promises four spades, denies four hearts
2♠: promises four hearts, denies four spades
2NT: denies both majors, starts asking for missing stops
3♣/♦: five card minors
3♥: both majors, better spades than hearts
3♠: both majors, better hearts than spades
3NT: both majors, equal quality
Posted 2004-September-19, 14:37
Posted 2004-September-19, 15:28
Here 2♦ asks for a 2-card major, allowing you to play in 2M in a 5-2 fit when it doesn't fit (these hands are a weak spot of transfers)
Posted 2004-September-19, 16:11
Gerben47, on Sep 19 2004, 04:28 PM, said:
Here 2♦ asks for a 2-card major, allowing you to play in 2M in a 5-2 fit when it doesn't fit (these hands are a weak spot of transfers)
I read this far and didn't bother any further.
"After a weak 1NT opening (or rebid showing the same kind of hand), the opposite holds as after a normal 1NT. The goal is to get the notrump hand in dummy."
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2004-September-19, 17:02
Posted 2004-September-30, 05:45
1eyedjack, on Sep 19 2004, 10:11 PM, said:
"After a weak 1NT opening (or rebid showing the same kind of hand), the opposite holds as after a normal 1NT. The goal is to get the notrump hand in dummy."
I suppose (hope) it is a translation mistake

Maybe it is supposed to mean:
"The goal is to get the notrump hand TO PLAY THE dummy."
Posted 2004-September-30, 06:15
Posted 2004-September-30, 06:33
Free, on Sep 30 2004, 12:15 PM, said:
I thought it is best to let the balanced hand receive the lead.