Two problems I was given yesterday
Posted 2011-May-28, 11:45
1. KQJxxx, Txxxx, x, x (all vul)
a) RHO (dealer) opens 3♣. 3♠ or not?
b) Say you bid 3♠. LHO bids 5♣, pard 5♠ - (p); - p - (6♣) - x - (p); ?
c) If you pass, what is your lead?
2. KQxxx Axxx xx xx
(1♥) - 2N - (p) - 3♣
(p) - 4♥ - (p) - ?
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2011-May-28, 12:00
1b) Now I pass, the damage is done.
1c) ♦, wins when we get a ruff or when they can't pitch a spade loser they may or may not have.
2) 4♠, forwardgoing cue, ♥A is probably opposite a void but maybe it will let us pitch a diamond loser that we couldn't ruff.
East4Evil ♥ sohcahtoa 4ever!!!!!1
Posted 2011-May-28, 13:04
b. Pass. Hoping partner can have them down.
c. Second best heart.
2. 4♠.
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2011-May-28, 13:55
1b) Pass of course
1c) I think a diamond is an awful lead. It is extremely likely LHO is bidding this way with a long good suit (probably diamonds) and some club support. The choice for me is between the majors, a heart could be bad if LHO happens to have good hearts, and a spade could be bad if they are ruffing it or have the ace (but if it lives, we will at least know what to shift to). Overall I'd probably just try the SK. BTW this is not a lightner X, this is an auction where the opponents are saving and partner is just doubling to say he was bidding 5S to make.
2) 5C, my hand is terrible. Even something like x x AKxxx AKQJxx is a horrendous slam. Sorry partner if both of your minors are solid and you have 2 little spades, you should have bid differently if that was the case.
Edit: just noticed my example is pretty bad, because on a heart lead we would never make 5, only 4 or 6, depending on diamonds. Whatever, they'll lead a spade when I don't cuebid

Posted 2011-May-28, 16:04
South was a pro playing with a client. I think North has a clear 6♠ call but w/e. Odd that you need to lead your stiff diamond to give partner a ruff.
Hats off to West for never mentioning the diamond suit.
On 2, partner held xx void AKxxx AKTxxx. I think 4♥ is an overbid. The player that held the hand I gave you bid 4♠. They had a convoluted sequence to 6♣ which was obviously hopeless.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2011-May-28, 18:02
Posted 2011-May-29, 01:11
cherdano, on 2011-May-28, 18:02, said:
It was about time someone show the door from A/E forums to Phil (I am not serious of course Phil, i just loved this because ironically it is mostly you who show the door to people

"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2011-May-29, 10:46
cherdano, on 2011-May-28, 18:02, said:
Yeah I know, 5♠ is a joke.
I suppose for sh*ts sake, pretend you heard 6♣, 6♠, 7♣.. X and pretend you need to lead.
LOL Ace I deserve that.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2011-May-29, 14:49
1b. That's a penalty dbl. Pass and cross fingers.
1c. Leading a diamond and crossing fingers again... After having seen the "solutions" I'd never, ever thought pard would ruff that. LOL.
2. 5♣. Anything else will get pard too excited. We have a spade loser and hoping for no minor suit losers is hoping pard has the magic hand - which he never does. In fact, his 4♥ is rather pathetic.
Posted 2011-May-29, 19:00
Phil, on 2011-May-29, 10:46, said:
Just out of curiosity, would anyone play any of 5♦, 5♥, 5NT, 6♦, 6♥ as showing a spade fit here? (Personally, I can't see 5NT as natural making much sense at least...)
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-May-30, 02:01
mgoetze, on 2011-May-29, 19:00, said:
No, I'd play suit bids as natural, and 5NT as two places to play.