Believe in me Or believe in them
Posted 2011-May-19, 20:27
Pa Pa 1♥ 2♦
2♥ 3NT Pa Pa
X Pa Pa ???
Do you pass, redouble or bid something?
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2011-May-19, 20:56
No need to redouble, which would cost more if wrong than it would gain if right, not to mention that partner might pull it.
Posted 2011-May-19, 21:56
Posted 2011-May-19, 23:15
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2011-May-20, 06:14
quite proud of my 2d call and will not mind
laying it down for the world to see. please
please please save those xx for situations
where there is (doubt and an alternative)
or no alternative 1s p 6s x xx for ex:)
lets say you hold Kxx x QJT987 Kxx
this is the kind of hand ready made for xx
warning p there is a good chance dia
probably wont run as hoped and that you
are near the bottom for your overcall.
Saving xx for situatuions like this has the
side benfit of never having to decide to run
w/o giving p a chance to have a second say in
the matter (who's to say p doesnt have
say Qxx JT9x AKx Axx?)
Posted 2011-May-20, 06:20
gszes, on 2011-May-20, 06:14, said:
side benfit of never having to decide to run
w/o giving p a chance to have a second say in
the matter (who's to say p doesnt have
say Qxx JT9x AKx Axx?)
Partner is a passed hand.
Posted 2011-May-20, 06:53
Pass now seems obvious anyway.
Posted 2011-May-20, 08:27
Fluffy, on 2011-May-20, 06:53, said:
Pass now seems obvious anyway.
Seems like a 2♦ call to me. If we are going to play in spades (the most likely outcome if I make a takeout double), then I want partner to introduce the spades voluntarily.
As for passing in tempo to hide my excitement, I really don't think that is too much of an issue, since I am in the passout seat. And, quite frankly, while I am passing, I don't know that I am that excited to be doubled in 3NT. It is quite possible that LHO has good diamonds, something like QJTx or even QJTxx.
Posted 2011-May-20, 08:32
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2011-May-20, 12:08
ArtK78, on 2011-May-20, 08:27, said:
As for passing in tempo to hide my excitement, I really don't think that is too much of an issue, since I am in the passout seat. And, quite frankly, while I am passing, I don't know that I am that excited to be doubled in 3NT. It is quite possible that LHO has good diamonds, something like QJTx or even QJTxx.
Partner should hold good fitting diamonds to bid this way as a passed hand.
But I agree about the 2♦ call, it seems obvious.
Posted 2011-May-20, 13:07
2- good or bad opps are they respecting us or not ? It look like Qtxx,qJxx behind and partner having xxx,jxx. in wich case pulling to 4C/4D via xx or not lower the losses significantly.
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2011-May-21, 00:09
If the opponents are really bad I would smile. If partner is really bad I would pull.
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-May-21, 05:39
Posted 2011-May-21, 06:47
Hanoi5, on 2011-May-19, 20:27, said:
Pa Pa 1♥ 2♦
2♥ 3NT Pa Pa
X Pa Pa ???
Do you pass, redouble or bid something?
I have what I told. Partner chooses 3NT. That should be OK. Pass
Posted 2011-May-21, 16:52
Hanoi5, on 2011-May-19, 20:27, said:
Pa Pa 1♥ 2♦
2♥ 3NT Pa Pa
Pa Pa ???
The way the question is phrased imples partner hopes for a vote of confidence

3N may be a good save against a major game or slam and makes if partner has as little as ♠ Jxxx ♥ Ax ♦ Txxx ♣ Txx
With aces, you are happy enough but (on another hand) should XX express doubt?
Posted 2011-May-29, 11:29
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2011-May-30, 14:50