One hand that I found remarkable went without comment by the commentators viewing the table where Justin was sitting East. This was board 85:
I believe this was the auction at Justin's table, and it is likely that it was duplicated at the other table. In any case, the contract and result were the same at both tables - 2♥ by W down 2!
The opening lead was the ♣K at both tables. It seems to me that declarer has 8 obvious tricks (assuming a reasonable heart division) if he can pull trump and keep control of the hand - a club, a diamond, a spade and 5 trump. So, declarer should win trick one and play a trump. If North takes the trick, he can cash a club and give his partner a club ruff, but declarer is in control and always emerges with 8 tricks. If North holds off, declarer has many lines that all lead to success. The most obvious is ♦A followed by ♦Q, intending to throw away a black suit loser if not covered.
Alternatively, declarer could attempt to ruff two diamonds in hand and score the same 8 tricks.
At the tables, both declarers ducked trick one. Now the defense was in control. North switched to the ♠J and declarer could not score the eight tricks he started with.
Is there something I am missing here, or was the duck at trick 1 a clear error by both declarers?