gnasher, on 2011-May-19, 06:20, said:
1 (...) In my style, 1♥-2♦;2NT promises a diamond stop and will nearly always (see below) have four hearts. You don't have to agree that this is best, but can you really see no advantages to this style?
2. With 3343 and a very weak hand, yes I tend to bid 2♣, because when you know that partner is likely to take strong action it's best not to introduce ambiguity about the majors. With xxx QJx Jxxx xxx I would probably bid 1♥, but with xxx xxx Jxxx QJx I'd certainly bid 2♣.
2. With 3343 and a very weak hand, yes I tend to bid 2♣, because when you know that partner is likely to take strong action it's best not to introduce ambiguity about the majors. With xxx QJx Jxxx xxx I would probably bid 1♥, but with xxx xxx Jxxx QJx I'd certainly bid 2♣.
1 and 2. There are obviously advantages to your style. I understand you always want to bid 1M with 4 cards (and I believe that style is common in the UK) but I think there's not much point in forcing yourself away from bidding a 3-card major if you're gonna end up doing it occasionally.
What I mean is if you're going to bid 2♣ on a 3343 with club honors, you might as well do the same without those honors Shape/strength before location of high cards. By the same token, if you're going to bid 1♥ on a 3343 with xxx clubs and heart honors, you might as well do the same with 3334 and bad clubs. Not sure if I'm making myself clear...
By the way, I think the main downside of 2♣ is not pard being strong, rather him having a med hand (14-17) or so and pass it out when 1♥ probably would play better.