ATB (bad slam)
Posted 2011-May-04, 23:52
North: AKTxxx Axx J xxx
South: QJxx Qx AQ9 Kxxx
1♠ - 2N*
3♦ - 3♠
3N** - 4♣
4♥ - 4N
5♦ - 6♠
2N is boring old Jacoby
3N is Serious
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2011-May-05, 00:10
Posted 2011-May-05, 00:36
south has a dead minimum.
Posted 2011-May-05, 00:46
For South (assuming 3S is stronger than 4S), given he has a minimum with a wasted DQ 3S is an overbid.
After both partners overbid it's no wonder the auction spirals too high.
Posted 2011-May-05, 03:08
Until 3♠ it is ok, but both players have then given their hands full justice. And then some.
3NT??? If you absolutely want to overbid, bid 4♥, showing you lack a club-stopper, and only intermidiate values. 3NT has no technical merit over 4♥
4NT??? (Assuming, like ahydra, that 3♠ is stronger than 4♠). Partner has not asked for a diamond stopper, (assuming 3♦ = splinter), but simply checked that you had a club-stopper. No reason to get in his way, if he has a plan.
It is illustrating, that on the combined hands, 4♠ is down on a rainy day.
Both players could have got a 100% for a bad score, if their partner has had his bid.
Do not underestimate the power of the dark side. Or the ninth trumph.
Best Regards Ole Berg
We should always assume 2/1 unless otherwise stated, because:
- If the original poster didn't bother to state his system, that means that he thinks it's obvious what he's playing. The only people who think this are 2/1 players.
Posted 2011-May-05, 03:25
I never played serious 3NT but I imagine that if you can have 20 counts still, it means that if you are qualifying 11 counts into serious then 85%+ of the hands are serious tries wich is very bad.
Posted 2011-May-05, 04:03
Posted 2011-May-05, 04:04
Posted 2011-May-05, 06:29
Free, on 2011-May-05, 04:04, said:
Interesting. I think this thread is biased against North. I would blame South much more than North.
North was certainly optimistic in the bidding, but he does have
1) a singleton
2) a sixth trump
3) 3 key-cards.
Of course North is minimum in the HCP department, but these are the ingredients for a slam on minimal values.North had every reason to be optimistic.
Give partner ♠xxxx,♥Kx,♦Axx,♣AKQx and 7♠ looks great. Substitute the ♦A for a small card or the ♣A for the ♣J and 6♠ is still almost lay-down. You are not likely to reach these slams, if North does not push.
What does South have after a Jacoby raise?
1) a single key-card
2) the queen of trumps
3) A lot of rubbish and no source of tricks
I can not imagine that a competent North would stop below 6♠ when that is a good contract opposite the South holding after South cue-bid 4♣.
South 4NT bid (instead of 4♠) was a clear error in judgment.
80% to South.
Rainer Herrmann
Posted 2011-May-05, 06:31
I think 3NT is quite silly, but 3♠ was worse.
George Carlin
Posted 2011-May-05, 06:39
rhm, on 2011-May-05, 06:29, said:
Give partner ♠xxxx,♥Kx,♦Axx,♣AKQx and 7♠ looks great. Substitute the ♦A for a small card or the ♣A for the ♣J and 6♠ is still almost lay-down. You are not likely to reach these slams, if North does not push.
How can that hand not be virtually a slam drive opposite a singleton diamond? Then keycard will let you almost count 13 tricks (north will show the queen). The hand without the ♦A is also clearly worth another slam try to me ; if north bids 4♥ non-serious you will probably get there.
But I do agree that south's bidding was worse.
Posted 2011-May-05, 06:39
Posted 2011-May-05, 06:50
Over 3♦, responder could cue-bid, bid 3NT, bid 3♠, or bid 4♠. Presumably 4♠ is the worst of the four.
If 3♠ is the next weakest, North shouldn't make any sort of slam try. If 3♠ is the strongest action, North has a pretty good hand, and is worth 3NT.
Posted 2011-May-05, 07:02
That having been said, 4♥ must describe North's hand perfectly after 3♠: a pretty hand with minimum high card values, diamond shortness, a heart control, and no club stopper! And it's an even better if 3NT is serious!
East4Evil ♥ sohcahtoa 4ever!!!!!1
Posted 2011-May-05, 07:13
mcphee, on 2011-May-05, 06:39, said:
Or define it differently. Maybe what we play in situations where game is forced in a Major and we are still at the 3-level isn't "serious 3nt", if this hand is.
We use it to let out the secret that we have a huge hand, not previously shown. Normal cuebidding with decent normal hand (courtesy cue, if you will), simple game with weak opener; and 3NT with heretofor undisclosed 18+ opener. If playing a big club system, then opener might never be the one to use 3NT in a strong sense at all.
AKTXXX AKX X QJX would be a 3NT bid over 3S in my world. That looks serious to me.
This post has been edited by aguahombre: 2011-May-05, 07:23
Posted 2011-May-05, 07:32
Posted 2011-May-05, 07:49
rhm, on 2011-May-05, 06:29, said:
North was certainly optimistic in the bidding, but he does have
1) a singleton
2) a sixth trump
3) 3 key-cards.
Of course North is minimum in the HCP department, but these are the ingredients for a slam on minimal values.North had every reason to be optimistic.
Give partner ♠xxxx,♥Kx,♦Axx,♣AKQx and 7♠ looks great. Substitute the ♦A for a small card or the ♣A for the ♣J and 6♠ is still almost lay-down. You are not likely to reach these slams, if North does not push.
What does South have after a Jacoby raise?
1) a single key-card
2) the queen of trumps
3) A lot of rubbish and no source of tricks
I can not imagine that a competent North would stop below 6♠ when that is a good contract opposite the South holding after South cue-bid 4♣.
South 4NT bid (instead of 4♠) was a clear error in judgment.
80% to South.
Rainer Herrmann
You're right that North has a nice hand, but it's not worth a serious 3NT imo. He can also just cuebid 4♥ which shows his hand VERY nicely: still slam interest (the points you make), no ♣ cue and a singleton ♦. South will already know enough not to try for slam, a ♣ lead could already beat the contract. Note that South has already denied a ♥ control by bidding 3♠, so in order to get to a makeable slam South needs a lot of extra's to cover all the ♣ losers and at least 1 ♥ loser. With all these extra's, South will move over 4♥ for sure.
South is pretty much obligated to cuebid after the serious 3NT. If he just signs off in 4♠ then North may have an awkward decision to make if he has his values but 2 quick losers in ♣ for example (AKTxxx-AKx-J-Qxx is definitely possible). I agree with you that South should've bid 4♠ instead of 4NT. The ♦ cue is already known, so there's no reason to go past 4♠. Bidding 4♠ here would show he's absolutely minimum.
So, there are 3 key moments:
- 3♠: this can be argued, but playing serious/frivolous 3NT I prefer to save space. Although he's absolutely minimum, South denies a ♥ cue and is temporizing. For me, 3♠ acts like a frivolous 3NT because South can also start cuebidding immediately. This way opener can signoff, show light slam interest, or show serious slam interest, after which responder can re-evaluate his hand. Either way it's still possible to cuebid at 4-level, which you can't by bidding 4♠.
- 3NT: the hand can't be considered a hand with serious slam interest imo, after South denied a ♥ cue. Big blunder imo. Better (imo) would be 4♥, which shows light slam interest and shows he's afraid of ♣s.
- 4NT: South should've bid 4♠ to deny any further interest.
80% to North is perhaps too high, but I won't go under 65%.
Posted 2011-May-05, 08:06
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2011-May-05, 08:06
And then I though singleton is the worst holding you can have when you have shown shortness. But what do I know?