JLOGIC, on 2011-May-04, 05:49, said:
2C on the 2nd one seems obvious, I will bid spades next.
by which you mean what?
the route followed at the table was 2
♣ followed by 3
♠ over 2
♥. I, as this hand's partner, took this as showing the nuts and we subsequently went for a fat penalty after I jumped to 5
♣ then assumed this hand's pass of 5
♦ was forcing (obviously debatable, but we had just jumped to a vul v not game which passes most meta rules for forcing passes) so bid again. this isn't to say what i did would necessarily have been right even opposite the nuts admittedly.
My team essentially said I was talking out of my arse and that one couldn't only bid 2
♣ >>> 2
♠ with this collection as it doesn't do it justice and you may not get another opportunity to bid again at a comfortable level.
on the first one, partner's double was penalties but you're only getting it 1 off and we made 3hearts so it didn't make much difference. ironically if rho supports her partner's diamonds over 3cX, they play in a 5-3 fit, not a 4-3 fit, but go 1 extra off.