North's 2NT was alerted, as was south's 3♦ bid. West asked about both calls at her turn (after 3♦, prior to the end of the auction). South explained north's 2NT as a game-forcing spade raise. North explained south's 3♦ as showing a singleton diamond. The auction then proceeded to 4♠.
West lead the ♦A at trick one, and was surprised when south ruffed. Trumps were pulled and clubs established for a final result of making four. Of course, a club lead or a heart lead followed by a club switch could easily set the contract.
After the hand, East called the director. East claimed that if West knew that South's "singleton diamond" might be a void, she would never have lead the diamond ace. The director adjusted to 4♠-1.
Correct ruling? Does it depend on West's level/experience?