This post has been edited by gordontd: 2011-April-18, 05:18
Your call? Teams match
Posted 2011-April-16, 02:58
This post has been edited by Bbradley62: 2011-April-16, 02:58
Posted 2011-April-16, 03:03
Posted 2011-April-16, 03:14
Bbradley62, on 2011-April-16, 02:58, said:
You know that you play them in uncontested auctions, and when there has been a direct 1NT overcall of a suit.
You don't usually play them when partner has bid a natural NT in the sandwich position.
You have had no discussion about this situation, where neither of the opponents' bids has promised a suit.
London UK
Posted 2011-April-16, 03:17
(And in any case I have the agreement - as does the OP - that bids are natural after a sandwich NT. This will still apply when they haven't promised a suit.)
Posted 2011-April-16, 03:42
StevenG, on 2011-April-16, 03:03, said:
It would be a transfer to clubs, and the correct rebid with this hand in the methods would be 2NT.
London UK
Posted 2011-April-17, 12:31
- Partner asks "is 1S natural?" before bidding 2S. [I don't know how often, if at all, this auction or any transfer responses have come up already in the match with the NS pair at the table]
- The NS first of all said they were playing transfers after a Sandwich NT, then changed it to them not playing transfers
- The hand in the OP had Kxx not Qxx of spades (probably not relevant to anything)
Posted 2011-April-17, 14:13

As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2011-April-17, 14:41
Posted 2011-April-17, 17:04
Merseyside England UK
Currently at home
Visiting IBLF from time to time
Posted 2011-April-17, 18:16
gordontd, on 2011-April-16, 02:27, said:
1♣=Weak NT, or clubs
1♠= no 4cM, not single-suited GF
(spot cards may differ from original - posted from memory)
You are in uncharted territory.
Your call now?
BTW what is the technical argument for using natural responses rather than transfers to a (natural) sandwich notrump?
Posted 2011-April-17, 18:39
Posted 2011-April-17, 19:11
nige1, on 2011-April-17, 18:16, said:
You are more likely to want to make a weak takeout into either of the other two suits (maybe three suits if the opening could be a short minor - or even four suits).
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2011-April-17, 19:22
Posted 2011-April-17, 19:55
Cascade, on 2011-April-17, 19:11, said:
Yes. It is a low-level partscore battle, and the battlefield's boundaries are between 1NT and 2S. Gadgets which propel us higher than that are just not needed. Each side has less than game values, and neither side will have a big fit very often. The total trumps/tricks will be 14, or fifteen most of the time ---some 16's.
Posted 2011-April-18, 01:30
Posted 2011-April-18, 02:42
Anyway, I'd certainly consider both treating it as a transfer and treating it as natural. If I had no other clue, I would pass, because it seems more likely that partner has five spades than that he has six clubs.
Posted 2011-April-18, 02:54
FrancesHinden, on 2011-April-17, 12:31, said:
London UK
Posted 2011-April-18, 02:59
aguahombre, on 2011-April-17, 19:55, said:
- You can't reach 2♣ undoubled (an unlikely final contract, anyway) and
- As usual, transfers give opponents more options in the auction (less of a disadvantage when both opponents have already bid)
Posted 2011-April-18, 03:51
bluejak, on 2011-April-17, 17:04, said:
Yes, that's the case, and I'll give further details now.
South is a very experienced but elderly player who is not especially comfortable with complicated system. At the beginning of the match he remarked on the EW system, and said that he would ask a lot and that nothing should be read into it. They discussed how to defend against responses of 1♦ & 1♥, but not 1♠, and it was a point of uncertainty to both of them whether 1NT in the sandwich position should be natural or two-suited.
The 1♣ opening had come up several times already and he had asked about it, so he didn't ask again in this auction. The 1♠ bid (alerted) had not come up before and South asked whether it showed spades, before bidding 2♠ himself. Both he and North said that he was asking to try to work out whether the 1NT bid was strong balanced or two-suited, but it did have the unfortunate effect of removing any doubt that North might have had as to the nature of the 2♠ bid.
EW reserved their rights at the time and called for a ruling at the end of the match when it transpired that they had lost the match by 3 IMPs. They said that NS had said in discussion that they usually play transfers over a sandwich 1NT. NS were both adamant that they had not made this statement, that this is not so, and that they only play transfers in situations where they have specifically discussed it - they do not extend their agreements to other unknown situations. I concluded that there had been a misunderstanding, and that NS had not claimed to play transfers in this situation.
I discussed the case with bluejak, and considered that the question about the 1♠ bid prior to bidding 2♠ provided unauthorised information, and that bidding on (with 2NT, which is what I was told is the system bid) was a logical alternative to passing. It was this question that led me to post the hand here, to see how many would bid on and how many would pass. My expectation was that most would pass, but that enough would bid on to make it an LA.
From there I thought that there were various outcomes, bearing in mind that both players knew they were in uncharted territory. I gave a weighted ruling based on equal percentages of 3♠=, 3♦=, 2NT= and 3NT-1. This gave the EW team 1 more IMP (the score at the other table had been 4♠=).
By the time I had finished all this, at a bit after 1.30am, only one player remained in the club - a member of the EW team. He thought I should not have allowed any contracts where NS stopped in a part-score. However, I believe that had they been playing with screens, and knowing of the uncertainty of their agreements, they might well have stopped (South held KJxxx, xx, Kxxx, xx). And even if I had accepted this EW argument and awarded Game-1, they would still have lost the match by 1 IMP.
London UK
1♣=Weak NT, or clubs
1♠= no 4cM, not single-suited GF
(spot cards may differ from original - posted from memory)
You are in uncharted territory.
Your call now?