The double was, of course, for a single suited hand. 2♣ was Stayman, 2♥ was to play (and devastating as a lead director against 3NT). A diamond was led, down 1, we get 100.
Some thoughts: After a single suited double I generally play that system is on and XX shows good values. I guess I haven't discussed, or much thought about, what happens when third hand has good values and also has a four card major. Of course in this hand the four card major is nothing to write home about, but I am trying to think in more general terms.
A couple of options:
1. 2♣ is Stayman and also shows the good values (for example, in this hand). The downside is that the Stayman bid may keep us from a good penalty (doubling 2♠ and grabbing our seven tricks gets us a fine result here).
2. Start most good hands with XX and then, if playing for penalties seems wrong, use Lebensohl like bids to get to our best spot.
This situation is not common perhaps, but it is not exactly rare either. As always, your thoughts are solicited.
And if you want to comment on this hand, feel free. As near as I can tell, 3NT is down on a heart lead. I suppose 5♦ makes but I don't envision anyone being there. I suspect that if I were playing with my clone I would be in 3NT off one trick.