Raff90, on 2011-April-14, 07:48, said:
First i would bid 2H with the opener hand and after that 2NT for showing minors.
It is often difficult in these fora to discuss the merit of a treatment, convention, gadget ---whatever, when people are coming from different starting points. A tool is a good thing if it fills a gap on sometimes difficult hand patterns --and then, only if the bid is unused for some other purpose, or the bid it replaces can be incorporated into another sequence.
When people state how a convention or treatment sucks, is unworkable, etc. they really mean for THEM. The delayed 2NT suggested by Raff90 to show minors would mean that pair must have some other way of handling an 11-point passed hand without support for Spades or hearts.
When the passed hand bid a semi-forcing NT, and held the eleven, it was all right if opener was weak-balanced, and passed. But presumably if opener had a suit to rebid he was expected to do so. 2NT/2H is now needed with the eleven count non-fitting invite.
Pairs will spend years "tweaking" their system, moving bids around so that more situations can be handled. Spouse and I have chosen not to use Drury at all, and to treat the 1NT response to a major forcing by a passed hand. This allows us to have natural 2m responses (forcing for one round only) and differentiate between a 10-11 point minor 2-suiter and one with less (direct 2NT). In turn, it affects what third-seat will open at all with and what a 3rd-seat weak two (major) might look like.
We don't think Drury sucks. We just don't find it inconvenient to include balanced limit raises into the 1NT responses, and this allows 2m to be used differently. Others believe Drury is vital (because of what their opening bids might look like); and we don't think that sucks for them.