2♣ - alerted, asked, explained as distributional GF with one- or two - suiters onle. Promise tricks, not neccesary points
2♦ - alerted, asked, explained as 0-1 controls
2NT - alerted, no questions this moment
After East double 5 clubs, South asked about meaning of 2NT - explained as untouched suits.
After completion of bidding, West said that it was misexplanation, 2NT means majors or minors.
Result - 5h, down 1
After completion of the board, South summoned director.
He complained that West already shown his major 2-suiter by bidding 2NT, and after his partner decided to double, had no reason to correct it, unless he think that partners decition based on incorrect perseption of his hand.
East-West explained that double was not clean penalty, but pass or correct.
Additional, probably not relevant, information:
1. 5♥ bid was made after very long hesitation;
2. EW use UDCA.
3. Result from the second table, 5 clubs made. North open 5 clubs, East lead Ace of diamonds, but 9 look discouraging (udca too) and he did not continue suit.
What should be directors decition?