gnasher, on 2011-April-09, 16:02, said:
Since you insisted, Andy, i think you deserve an answer. I was not gonna answer this because i didn't wanna be mean.
Before u get my answer, note that your suggestion in this topic was to cash ♥A and then exit with ♠ (correct me if i am wrong) Which was totally inconsistent with your analysis that pd DOES NOT HAVE ♥Q
gnasher, on 2011-April-06, 01:16, said:
I don't see what ♦K switch is supposed to achieve, and it risks that declarer does something inspired with AJ10xxx Q xxxx Ax.
I would just cash a top heart and then exit with a trump. If declarer knocks out partner's club and then runs trumps, partner keeps the same number of hearts as dummy, and I keep all my diamonds.
The hand I've given declarer looks like a one-level opening to me, but I'd believe my partner's carding.
Answer : Once pd discourages the ♥, i think you don't mind if we cash the ♥A just like you did. And after that it is easy to play small♦ imo.
-If declarer has Jxx ♦ he always makes
-If he has xxx or xxxx ♦ he always goes down regardless of who has the ♣8 and regardless of what u play (please just dont drop your pd's ♥J with K though )
-If declarer has Jx ♦, he was cold by simple ♦ finesse discarding his ♥ loser, so lets take that one out.
-If declarer has 4♣ without 8 and xx ♦, it still doesnt matter what u play.
-If declarer has 4♣ A8xx and xx ♦, he makes unless you play ♦ after ♥A
The point is you need your pd to have the ♦J in order to defeat this contract once you decide he doesn't have the ♥Q. Can u see how u went wrong even after you figured that pd did not have ♥Q ? You get your pd squeezed big time m8
Anyway, if pd discouraged ♥, Phil and i would defeat this in "NANO" second even if declarer had AJTxxx Q xx A8xx while u give it to them in a golden plate.
It is good at least one pd in the pdship figured that pd doesn't have the ♥Q even with the lack of ♥8 discard and forum style signalling and all that fancy stuff, but it is sad that he still did not find the correct defense.