Trinidad, on 2011-March-24, 15:52, said:
I don't get it. How can this possibly be a GSF?
I have not shown any controls and partner says that the grand depends on my spade holding only?!? I can buy that aces in the minors are not relevant. After all, partner could well have minor voids. But how can the ♥K be unimportant? It just doesn't exist.
I have not shown any controls and partner says that the grand depends on my spade holding only?!? I can buy that aces in the minors are not relevant. After all, partner could well have minor voids. But how can the ♥K be unimportant? It just doesn't exist.
chasetb, on 2011-March-24, 16:02, said:
Partner has shown at least 6♥ and 5♠ as well as extra values. When you chose Spades, you showed shortness in ♥, which implies that with the 5NT bid (s)he has the A♥ as well as the K♠ and/or Q♠, and probably A♣ and a Diamond void. Partner was willing to go to 6 opposite you having NO help in Spades, yet you have both the A♠ and the K♥, which he shouldn't expect you to have, not to mention the K♣ and A♦. This hand clearly exists, and is worth 6♠ since they have agreements over GSF.
Why can't I be 3-2 in the majors?
Why can't I be 2-1 in the majors?
I mean, it is pretty simple to me: If you have this kind of a hand, with these controls, you want to be in 7♠. But I still don't get what kind of hand partner can have to justify 5NT. The actual hand is an example of a hand that should not bid 5NT. If I don't have the ♠A and ♥K and 6♠ is pretty poor. If I am 2-1 in the majors it is already down on a trump lead.
I would open the actual hand with 1♠. After that I will rebid hearts until I get a preference from partner.
It might go:
1♠-2♦ 5+♠ - GF 5(4)+♦
2♥-2♠ 5-4+ ♠+♥ - 3 or 2 ♠
3♥-3♠ 5-5+ ♠+♥ - 3♠
4♣-4♦ mixed cue - mixed cue
4♥-4♠ mixed cue - Still a balanced minimum
5♣-5♥ 1st round control - ♥A or K (obviously partner and I know it is the K because partner has cued hearts before)
5NT-... GSF - whatever response shows 1
Obviously, there are still a lot of decisions that could go some other way, and that might complicate the auction.