void Axxxx Kx AKJxxx
Posted 2011-March-22, 21:16
The auction goes 1C (1S) 2D* 3S ?
2D by partner shows 5-7 hcps and six diamonds or five diamonds unbalanced.
I'm thinking...
dbl-would show 5 or 6 hearts and deny a super-fit (but not a fit) in diamonds. It would not promise clubs but some tolerance could be inferred.
4C-would be forcing under the general "rule" that jumps, cues or any new suit starting at 3H is forcing
Am I right so far?
Partner has KQxxx void xxxxxx Qx
If I pass, he can double for penalty because a hand that is only 5-7 cannot double at this level for takeout
If I double, partner can convert the double to penalty.
I'm thinking that pass is the winner here because we have only half the deck and probably no 9-cd fit. Double seems reasonable, but partner may pass the double and I have no spades or extra values to assist in defending.
What would you do? Pass? Double? 4C?
Posted 2011-March-22, 21:24
in any case 2d causes the most problems.
Posted 2011-March-22, 22:10
mike777, on 2011-March-22, 21:24, said:
in any case 2d causes the most problems.
Partner made a systemic bid. Pass by him would create a GF. His other option would be to dbl to show 0-4 any or 5-7 and 2+ spades with no better bid. Our defense works well most of the time, but like any, has hands that aren't well-suited.
I also made a systemic bid. My next best option would be to open 1H, but partner will never play me for something this strong.
Posted 2011-March-23, 02:25
Posted 2011-March-23, 02:34
2) and then force 2d...that is total crap system.
Playing old strong club I open 1h...no problem yet
Lets back up
opening 1c is a weak part of system so dont open 1c
set up system to NOT NOt open 1c.....dont open 1c on any excuse!
see straube comment.
most if not all think opening 1c is best part so open 1c super often........
Posted 2011-March-23, 04:29
George Carlin
Posted 2011-March-23, 11:13
Posted 2011-March-23, 14:25
Double should show more or less the same shapes as
George Carlin
Posted 2011-March-23, 14:36
gwnn, on 2011-March-23, 14:25, said:
Double should show more or less the same shapes as
I agree it should show the same shapes as that sequence, but I thought that sequence showed 5-6 hearts. If it could show 4 hearts, then we would lose out on the 5-3 heart fits. If it promised hearts and clubs, we would lose out when advancer had only hearts.
Posted 2011-March-23, 16:13
X = Takeout oriented with 4+♥, or too strong for any other bid (invites 3N)
4♣ = ♣+♥ at least 5-5
4♦ = ♦ support
4♥ = Single suited
4♠ = ♦ support, slam interest
4N = Specific A ask?
5♣ = Single suited
The idea is to use a similar scheme if responder had shown ♣s..
Posted 2011-March-23, 16:21
akhare, on 2011-March-23, 16:13, said:
X = Takeout oriented with 4+♥, or too strong for any other bid (invites 3N)
4♣ = ♣+♥ at least 5-5
4♦ = ♦ support
4♥ = Single suited
4♠ = ♦ support, slam interest
4N = Specific A ask?
5♣ = Single suited
The idea is to use a similar scheme if responder had shown ♣s..
That's really not bad.
Posted 2011-March-23, 16:41
"I do NOT agree + have never even heard of that.
This is a difficult auction for the overcalling side.
In my opinion, the only rational meanings for the double is
A. a Responsive Dbl OR
B. a Thrump Dbl
In either case, advancer should not have a singleton spade
If A, responder's textbook hand is xx AKxx Axxxx xx
If B, responder can easily have a nice club fit,
oping for 3NT.
An example might be xx Axx KJxxxx Axx
The partnership must decide.
As expected, my preference is "B"
I do believe that is how Meckwell play it."
So I asked about the specific auction in question and whether my double should promise 5 hearts.
"As in the other case, that is a new one on me.
It's not crazy, though."
So what would he bid with my hand?
"With your void, passing would not occur to me.
A void in the oppon suit has magical properties.
Opposite as little as xxx x AJxxx 10xcx
6C is excellent.
At this vul, I think there is an excellent chance that if we belong in 4H, they will bid 4S.
Therefore, I would be happy to bid a natural 4C.
If dbl of 3S was Thrump,
4C should show C + H"
I asked whether I should open a strong club or start with a suit. He said that Meckwell would open 1C.
"1C is clear to me.
I hate over-strength 2C bids in Precision.
This "Don't open a Precision Club or a Standard 2C with a 2-suiter is BS"
Posted 2011-March-23, 17:25
akhare, on 2011-March-23, 16:13, said:
X = Takeout oriented with 4+♥, or too strong for any other bid (invites 3N)
4♣ = ♣+♥ at least 5-5
4♦ = ♦ support
4♥ = Single suited
4♠ = ♦ support, slam interest
4N = Specific A ask?
5♣ = Single suited
The idea is to use a similar scheme if responder had shown ♣s..
This mirrors our 1D (3S) defense using Thrump doubles. I like it. The one tweak might be that showing your independent suit at the 5 level ought to show both a good suit and shortness in spades. With a more balanced hand, one could double asking for 3N with a stopper or conversion with length and no stopper.
We could also use this scheme for say 1C P 1H (3S) where 1H is our generic semipositive.
When we're in a GF, we don't encounter this problem because we have a forcing pass.
dbl-asks for a stopper
4m-both minors
5m-single-suited minor
Posted 2011-March-24, 03:18
straube, on 2011-March-23, 11:13, said:
straube, on 2011-March-22, 21:16, said:
I'll answer this one: I would avoid this problem by not opening 1♣.

Posted 2011-March-24, 07:55
5-5 +6Controls +S-void.
So my only way to get reasonable cooperation
is open 1-forcing(I actually open this 1D-F1)
and make my 5-5, S-void rebids.
Agree 2D shows something near 5-7 not much in spades
(Ax(+) to later Q-bid; <=Jxx else).
Let opener X to suggest penalty bonanza if S-winners after pass.
Similar to straube rebids. Get 5-5 in with 4C.
Get S-Q-bid in - repeat if convenient to show void.
Define a 5S bid - what is jump Q-bid? Void +5-5 +6+controls?
Posted 2011-March-24, 08:17
I understand the desire to anticipate a competitive auction and start a natural bidding sequence.
However, 1♣ isn't unthinkable...
The bid that I hate is 2♦...
Partner was sitting on 5 spades to the KQ and preferred to show his diamond "suit"...
I think that there is something to be said for suggesting penalties against the opponent's Spade contract
(especially in this day and age when everyone and their dog will psyche a spade suit over a strong club opening)
Posted 2011-March-24, 22:43
"Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make them all yourself."
"One advantage of bad bidding is that you get practice at playing atrocious contracts."
-Alfred Sheinwold
Posted 2011-March-25, 03:18
George Carlin
Posted 2011-March-26, 12:39
Posted 2011-March-26, 13:51
For us, 1C (1S) 2C is a semipositive takeout of spades so I was suggesting that after 1C (1S) 2D (3S) P P dbl as takeout doesn't make a lot of sense.
I guess then we give up a penalty double by opener.