Trying to see how Adam's idea can fit with our strong club system. He's already done work on that. At the moment we're playing 1H-2S is six spades and less than GI so we don't have to account for that hand.
.......1N-4 diamonds or 2-5-3-3
..............P-to play
..............2C-transfers to 2D
...........................P-to play
...........................2H-GF relay
..................................3C-higher shortness
...............2S-invitational with 6
.......2C-4 clubs
.......2D-weak raise of spades, 3+
..............2S-to play
..............2N-natural invite, only four spades
..............3C-GF ask
.......2H-6 hearts, could have 3 spades
..............2S-GF relay
.......2S-strong raise of spades, 3+
..............2N-natural invite, only four spades
..............3C-GF ask
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strong club 1H-1S
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