What will you lead?
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Leading against grand slam what shall I lead?
Posted 2011-March-15, 03:53
♣Q, I don't like any other lead
"It may be rude to leave to go to the bathroom, but it's downright stupid to sit there and piss yourself" - blackshoe
Posted 2011-March-15, 04:55
#1 4C is ok, 5C is also not out of this world, but 4C is enough.
#2 The Ace of clubs, ...,
With kind regards
#2 The Ace of clubs, ...,
With kind regards
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2011-March-15, 06:10
I'm going to give opps credit for their bidding and lead the spade T. Club can be into the dbl void
Posted 2011-March-15, 17:41
Lead trumps against a grand slam
Oh wait, I can't revoke in a suit I don't hold, so maybe ♠?
Oh wait, I can't revoke in a suit I don't hold, so maybe ♠?
foobar on BBO
Posted 2011-March-17, 08:17
Agree with Gonzalo, 5C is not enough. It is easy to think of 4C as reasonable, but I don't think that that's right.
Please note: I am interested in boring, bog standard, 2/1.
- hrothgar
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-March-22, 23:25
Anyone who can avoid leading a ♣ will be successful. Declarer holds an indispensable loser in ♠ which can only be disposed with a ruff and discard in a ♣ lead (both declarer and dummy are void in ♣).
Posted 2011-March-25, 03:23
4♣ is wimpish, but so is 5♣ from partner imo...
"It may be rude to leave to go to the bathroom, but it's downright stupid to sit there and piss yourself" - blackshoe
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