BudH, on 2011-March-22, 22:04, said:
The "one of two finesses of the minor suit kings" line was the winner.
Sorry I do not buy this. I think your recommended line of play is inferior.
My line wins against this layout too and some where your line looses.
On the bidding, there are very few lies of the cards where one minor suit
king won't be onside where you can legitimately make the hand. If both
minor suit kings are offside, then RHO will hold AK or AKx of spades and
will have easy exits.
You got your argument the wrong way round and seem to have overlooked the line of play I suggested.
If LHO has all side suit kings, where your line will fail, there is still a good chance that LHO will hold a trump honor for his takeout double. (my line succeeds)
RHO does not need much to compete after the takeout double with 3
♥. Few would pass again over 2
♠ with for example
♣JTxxx, in particular when not vulnerable.
On the other hand if RHO has a minor suit king, which your line requires, then LHO is marked with a trump honor. (This is your argument turned around.)
In this case if LHO had no
♠ honor, he would not have a takeout double with only 2 kings, only 3 cards in the unbid major, and at most a couple of jacks and RHO, who had passed already, might have bid 4
♥ over 2
♠ with
♠AK and a minor suit king, since a 3
♥ bid in this sequence is competitive and not very invitational.
LHO is unlikely to hold
♠AKx for his takeout double, but if he does, you can still try the
♦ finesse on my line.
Otherwise if LHO has at least one
♠ honor the partial elimination I suggested will work and if LHO does not have a
♠ honor, where my line fails, LHO is marked with all side suit kings for his takeout double and your line fails too.
Rainer Herrmann