gotta have more ways to raise in C. Now only 1NT makes sense to me.
I used to play
1C: 3C(gf)
2H(gf raise, void somewhere, gf)
2S (constructive raise with about 7 to bad 10)
2N (balanced invitation)
3C (weak, preempt)
Of course, if you want to incorporate fit showing jumps, you can eliminate some levels.
Perhaps something like:
2D(fit showing jump in either D/H/S, later 2H: relay, 2S/NT/3C: fit jump in D/H/S.
2H(inv raise)
2S(constructive raise)
2N( balanced inv)
3C (weak, preempt)
jschafer, on 2011-February-28, 05:46, said:
This hand came up during a Portland Bowl team match between Imperial College and Oxford and your team has a reasonable lead. You play short
♣ and inverted minors. However at this vul, according to your partnership's style 3
♣ might include weak hands like:
I realise that our system kind of puts us in an akward position but assuming that is what you play, what would you bid?