1H-pass-2D as support
Posted 2011-February-24, 19:03
I have noticed some bad results for underbidding the 1♥-pass-2♥ and the 1♠-pass-2♠ hands.
Right now I am passing hands that have no real posibility to make game, hence passing 1♠ with 3 card support and 5 HCP for example
I don't like this.
I am thinking about playing 1♥-2♦ and 1♠-2♥ as some form of support with another variant, along with 1♥-2♥ and 1♠-2♠ being more specific (I guess kind of preemptive)
Am I on the right track? or should I just keep a 1♠-2♠ 4-10 wide range?
NOTE: the non support variants of 1♠-2♥ amd 1♥-2♦ should be primarilly non game forcing, but perhaps invitationals since game forcing ralays go elsewhere.
Posted 2011-February-24, 20:19
We experimented with limited opening hands and 1-under as a limit raise. One of our design goals was to stop at the 2-level. In practice, we found that most of the limit raise hands made game opposite minimum hands if the cards were working. Eventually, we decided that playing 2M was only permitted with hands that were lighter than a standard opening; the others made some sort of game try (2-way for us).
Posted 2011-February-25, 03:05

its important to note that we use 1NT response as GF relay, so no forcing NT, right now we were using 2 red as non forcing 6-11 natural bid. If we turn to some form of transfer We have to decide if 1♠-2♦ and 1♥-2♣ turn into transfers as well
Another question on this matter, do bergen raises make more or less sense opposite limited openings?
Posted 2011-February-25, 05:27
Posted 2011-February-25, 07:40
If you really want to bid at 2-level with weak hands, I guess it's definitely playable to use 2M-1 as constructive raise, losing the natural meaning of this bid. Using it as 2-way is problematic I'm afraid.
Posted 2011-February-25, 08:06
If you want relays over 1M, you need to save as much space as possible, so i don't think that 2♣ is an option. If you are going standard relay route: shape then controls, i strongly recommend not to relay extreme shapes. So 1M-1N-2♦ or 2♥ should tell that openers shape is too wild.
Posted 2011-February-25, 09:49
Free, on 2011-February-25, 07:40, said:
If you really want to bid at 2-level with weak hands, I guess it's definitely playable to use 2M-1 as constructive raise, losing the natural meaning of this bid. Using it as 2-way is problematic I'm afraid.
I agree with 1N semiforcing and 2C as GF relay. We're only +1 after the GF relay compared to standard symmetric and that keeps 1N as an option/weak relay for the non-GF hands.
...............2S-four clubs
...............2N-five clubs
...............3D-5 diamonds, higher
.....2H-six hearts
.....2S-4 diamonds
.....2N-five spades
.....3C-four spades, higher
I also like Bergen but think it's interesting that Meckwell don't play it.
Posted 2011-February-25, 10:43
ie 1S - 1N
2C = min without 4 hearts (now 2D is GF relay and others are natural invites)
2D = 4 hearts (now 2H is GF relay)
2H = max, 4+ clubs, GF
2S = max, 1-suited, GF
2N and higher = max, 4+ diamonds, GF
Obviously 1S - 1N - 2m - 2S is the 3 card limit raise here.
Posted 2011-February-26, 03:05

Still my main concern is what to do with 3 card support hands with 4 points versus 3 card support hands with 9 points
Posted 2011-February-26, 13:24
Fluffy, on 2011-February-26, 03:05, said:
With 3M 5-7HCP we bid 1NT (semiforcing)
With 3M 8-10HCP we bid 2M
With 3M INV we bid 1NT (semiforcing)
We accept to play 1NT when opener is MIN and responder is INV, because playing 3M will usually be too high in that case. When opener is MIN and responder has the weak raise, opps usually have an easy game to bid. I think Meckwell also play it this way.
I find it pretty obvious not to play Bergen raises after a limited 1M opening. Just make sure you have a mixed raise and an INV raise with 4 card support available somewhere, that's more than enough.
Posted 2011-February-26, 13:52
After the two-way raise, opener's bids are:
3M = to play opposite the weak hand, FG opposite the invitational hand
2NT = 18-19 balanced
Lowest new suit = either a natural game try opposite the weak hand, or a hand that's driving game and has slam interest opposite the invitational hand
Other new suit = game try opposite the weak hand
3NT = solid suit
4M = to play opposite either (though responder might bid with some invitations)
When opener makes a game try but responder has the invitational hand, he bids something that is inconsistent with holding the weak hand - a suit bid higher than three of our trump suit, or 3NT opposite a natural game-try.
I suspect that at some point I'll miss a slam opposite the invitational hand, but it hasn't happened yet.
One theoretical downside is that they can sometimes force you to a higher level than you wanted to reach. For example, after
pass pass
Posted 2011-February-27, 03:48
gnasher, on 2011-February-26, 13:52, said:
I think the main point of Fluffy's solution/question is not to end up in 3M when opener is min and responder is INV. This is about a strong ♣ system with limited and light 1M openings. Sadly the 2-way raise doesn't really help to solve this particular problem.
Posted 2011-February-27, 13:10
This being the case, it makes sense to let 1♥-Pass-2♦ have a wider range than just a limit raise.
My suggestion is something like 1♥-Pass-2♥ = 5-8 and 1♥-Pass-2♦ = 9-12 (presumably some 12s don't make game opposite a light opening). If partner thinks he can make game opposite "top-of-the-range" then he bids past 2♥.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2011-February-28, 18:10
Posted 2011-March-01, 10:33
1♠-2♥=either natural GF or 0-5 with 3 card support. opener bids 2♠ a lot over 2♥ natural GF anyway so it's OK.
George Carlin
Posted 2011-March-01, 12:41
Free, on 2011-February-27, 03:48, said:
Where does it say that?