Posted 2011-February-24, 18:32
My initial inclination is that a diamond splinter is flawed (for me) for two reasons. First, the side controls are not pure (I tend to avoid a splinter with a side Queen). Second, the fifth trump is too strong of a holding for a splinter, generally.
So, with a pure club suit, I could opt a 2♣ response (GF with real clubs or spade support). Opener bids 2♦, and now Responder sets trumps with a 2♠ call. Opener cues 3♦ to show two of the top three spades (he bypassed 2NT which would deny two of the top three in my methods), deny a club honor of Queen or higher (but could have shortness), and promise two of the top three diamonds.
This is not encouraging to Responder, but it also does not shut out slam hopes. So, he continues with a 3♥ cuebid (first or second round control).
Opener now cuebids 4♣, a non-serious cue denying the third top spade (obviously, but 3♠ would have shown that). Having denied one of the top three club honors earlier, this shows shortness.
Responder knows that the spades are solid and that Opener has at most one club loser. Because Opener did not bid 4♣ immediately after Responder's 2♠ call (which would show THREE of the top FOUR honors in diamonds, a stiff club, no heart control, and two of the top three spades), Opener is now known contextually to have:
1. no diamond Jack, and/or
2. a void in clubs, and/or
3. a heart control
A void in clubs would mean that the spade slam will require a non-heart lead OR partner having the diamond Ace OR the diamond Ace being to the left. A stiff in clubs would mean that partner needs the Ace-King in diamonds. If Opener has a stiff in clubs and no diamond Ace, slam might make (the Ace of diamonds could be well-placed), but he won't accept. Any other time, Opener will make another move toward slam himself (repeating clubs to show the void but probably not Ace-King in diamonds, repeating diamonds to show the Ace-King, or bidding 5♥ to show a heart control).
So, Responder bypasses 4♦ (he does not have the third diamond honor) to bid 4♥, a Last Train call.
Opener, with both the diamond Ace-King and the club void, will most assuredly accept.
So, it seems to me that a 2/1 sequence actually works better, at least using the methods I like.
"Gibberish in, gibberish out. A trial judge, three sets of lawyers, and now three appellate judges cannot agree on what this law means. And we ask police officers, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and citizens to enforce or abide by it? The legislature continues to write unreadable statutes. Gibberish should not be enforced as law."
-P.J. Painter.