kenberg, on 2013-August-27, 08:43, said:
Assuming (I can always hope) that you do not think that I have done anything particularly moronic yet, what now? The five level belongs to the opponents? Does LOTT help? Just how many total trump are there? I post the full hand below, with a bit of a gap, so you can think before seeing it.
The full hand:
Huh! EW have 12 clubs, NS have 9 hearts, doesn't LOTT say that the number of tricks in a club contract plus the number of tricks in a heart contract is supposed to be 12+9=21? We are a little short. In hearts, the defense can be Ace of spades, spade to K, ruff, heart Ace holding hearts to 9 tricks. In spades it may be harder to find, but a diamond lead appears to hold a spade contract to 9 tricks via 2 spades, a heart and a third round diamond ruff (LOTT does assume best defense, right?) . In clubs, take the first 2 diamonds and sit and wait for a heart, holding clubs to 10 tricks.
OK, so this time "Obey the LAW" is the wrong adage, "The 5 level belongs to the opponents" is the right adage. BUT. Passing 5♣ scores a little under 40%, doubling 5♣ scores a little under 50%. I bid 5♥ and scored 93% since the opponents forgot to beat it: Club lead ruffed, heart lead ducked (now I will be down 1 at worst), heart continuation won by E, another club, run diamonds, score it up.
OK, E should beat it. After I ruff the first club, just how was E planning on beating this if I was holding the Ace of spade? So yes, he should place that card in his partner's hand and then the defense is easy. If it should turn out that declarer (that's me) should turn up with the spade Ace then that's just too bad, they were never beating it.
So I should have been down. Yes. But I wasn't. And was 5♥ a bad bid? Wrong on this hand, but at the time I made my decision I was far from convinced that we were beating 5♣.
It seems to me that this is the usual situation. We make close decisions, we are sometimes wrong, we are sometimes lucky. I guess tis hand exhibits my bad bidding since we can beat 5♣ and even bad bidding from the oppoents since they can beat 4♠. And it exhibits bad play, since they can beat 5♥. Otoh, everything seemed reasonable at the time.
Btw, my real objection to LOTT is not that the totals don't always work out right. The problem is that at the time of decision, the trump totals are usually, as here, not known. I knew we had 8 spades and probably not 9, I did not know we had 9 hearts, and I knew EW had "a lot" of clubs but translating "a lot" into 12 was beyond my powers. And then the total trumps were 2 more than the total tricks anyway. What's a guy to do?
May we all get better. I think I still bid 5♥ next time, but perhaps I am nuts. I have been called worse.