Who is the best declarer in the world ? :)
Posted 2011-February-18, 15:50
I compiled hands from major events from 1995 to 2009 (unfortunately I wasn't able to get hands from 2010 yet), calculated dd results for them (thanks to awesome double dummy solver written by Piotr Beling, http://bcalc.w8.pl/i...g=en&topic=abou) and made various things with them.
First thing is to see which player outscores double result when declaring. This is done like this: for every hand dd result in actual contract bid is subtracted from result at the table. This is then converted to IMPs then summed for all hands.
What are major events ? My completely arbitrary choice was : world teamc championship, Olympiad, WMSG, Rosemblum, Spingold, Vanderbilt, USBC, European Team Championships and European Champions Cup as well as Cap Gemini and Forbo tournaments.
The results (first column is total imps won, second total hands played, third average per hand). I didn't make much attempt to remove hands from senior tournaments. They shouldn't be there but if somehow they were thrown into vugraph folders for major events then the stats will include them. Ok, have fun:
(the data only contains players who declared at least 250 hands on vugraph)
Elinescu : 248 , 285 , avg: 0.87
Gitelman : 341 , 464 , avg: 0.73
FANTONI : 546 , 767 , avg: 0.71
Levin : 312 , 441 , avg: 0.71
pszczola : 170 , 250 , avg: 0.68
Cronier : 229 , 343 , avg: 0.67
VERSACE : 1047 , 1607 , avg: 0.65
WLADOW : 235 , 374 , avg: 0.63
helgemo : 424 , 712 , avg: 0.60
ROSENBERG : 418 , 739 , avg: 0.57
bertens : 218 , 407 , avg: 0.54
BOCCHI : 630 , 1190 , avg: 0.53
Levy : 213 , 409 , avg: 0.52
Mari : 144 , 278 , avg: 0.52
Multon : 159 , 309 , avg: 0.51
WEINSTEIN : 468 , 916 , avg: 0.51
Hampson : 191 , 375 , avg: 0.51
bakkeren : 144 , 285 , avg: 0.51
Sontag : 216 , 436 , avg: 0.50
sementa : 206 , 420 , avg: 0.49
Cohen : 303 , 618 , avg: 0.49
BALICKI : 269 , 557 , avg: 0.48
DUBOIN : 617 , 1278 , avg: 0.48
HAMMAN : 428 , 919 , avg: 0.47
RODWELL : 569 , 1293 , avg: 0.44
Meckstroth : 593 , 1380 , avg: 0.43
FALLENIUS : 157 , 367 , avg: 0.43
MARTENS : 112 , 268 , avg: 0.42
Jansma : 129 , 309 , avg: 0.42
Garner : 170 , 410 , avg: 0.41
Zia : 409 , 1008 , avg: 0.41
lauria : 629 , 1562 , avg: 0.40
Branco : 180 , 449 , avg: 0.40
piekarek : 142 , 359 , avg: 0.40
Lanzarott : 125 , 319 , avg: 0.39
SEAMON : 134 , 343 , avg: 0.39
Brogelan : 191 , 495 , avg: 0.39
Muller : 181 , 472 , avg: 0.38
Nystrom : 127 , 334 , avg: 0.38
Soloway : 206 , 549 , avg: 0.38
Lindkvis : 110 , 298 , avg: 0.37
WEICHSEL : 119 , 355 , avg: 0.34
BOMPIS : 148 , 446 , avg: 0.33
Jonsson : 135 , 407 , avg: 0.33
Helness : 249 , 769 , avg: 0.32
FREDIN : 141 , 443 , avg: 0.32
Stansby : 183 , 577 , avg: 0.32
nickell : 176 , 568 , avg: 0.31
Ramondt : 92 , 302 , avg: 0.30
PASSELL : 91 , 301 , avg: 0.30
WESTRA : 109 , 371 , avg: 0.29
KOWALSKI : 81 , 286 , avg: 0.28
Ekeblad : 111 , 404 , avg: 0.27
Dubinin : 96 , 352 , avg: 0.27
Nunes : 107 , 400 , avg: 0.27
Gromov : 146 , 553 , avg: 0.26
HACKETT : 225 , 862 , avg: 0.26
GAWRYS : 72 , 305 , avg: 0.24
CHAGAS : 112 , 480 , avg: 0.23
freeman : 125 , 538 , avg: 0.23
TUSZYNSKI : 76 , 337 , avg: 0.23
Martel : 97 , 446 , avg: 0.22
Moss : 83 , 406 , avg: 0.20
Schaltz : 52 , 272 , avg: 0.19
JASSEM : 53 , 314 , avg: 0.17
Quantin : 51 , 304 , avg: 0.17
Mouiel : 58 , 363 , avg: 0.16
Drijver : 43 , 281 , avg: 0.15
Berkowitz : 93 , 664 , avg: 0.14
bertheau : 49 , 415 , avg: 0.12
Wang : 33 , 395 , avg: 0.08
Chemla : 22 , 406 , avg: 0.05
ZMUDZINSKI : -24 , 406 , avg: -0.06
WELLAND : -33 , 401 , avg: -0.08
Jacobs : -40 , 408 , avg: -0.10
buratti : -42 , 348 , avg: -0.12
SAELENSMI : -48 , 330 , avg: -0.15
This is just for fun purposes. Obviously some players face tougher opponents and sample size is small enough to make variance very significant, so I don't think any serious conclusions could be drew from the data
Posted 2011-February-19, 00:04
bluecalm, on 2011-February-18, 15:50, said:
One very obvious conclusion is that at the level involved people are better declarers then defenders in that they tend to score more tricks than double dummy suggests.
I wonder to what degree the opening lead effects things. I.e., if you calculated their score versus double dummy only after the opening lead (so double dummy needs to make the same lead), does that negate much of the declarer's advantage or not?
Posted 2011-February-19, 05:47
This is one idea I had alredy. Both calculating opening lead "success" and declaring after opening lead. I will do that once I am back home
The conclusion that declarers have advantage over defenders couldn't be drawn from this sample because I deleted all the people who declared less than 250 hands on vugraph. I will calculate what advantage (if any) declarer has for whole sample though.
Posted 2011-February-19, 09:14
Dianne, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies... --Agent Dale Cooper
Posted 2011-February-19, 09:45
This is also 0.067 tricks per hand.
Posted 2011-February-19, 09:50
It's impossible to decouple bidding and play.
If you really want to make valid comparisons regarding a single facet of bridge, you need to design a test that isolates this dimension.
There have been par contests in living memory...
I think that those results are a lot more compelling.
I've occasionally wondered whether it would be possible to writing a computer program to generate hands for contests.
My understanding is that one of the main factors limiting par contests is the expense involved to create hands.
Posted 2011-February-23, 21:36
Best declarer after opening lead (actual result is compared to double dummy result after first lead is made):
(at least 250 hands in results)
Levin : -92 , 580 , avg: -0.16
FANTONI : -127 , 767 , avg: -0.17
bertens : -77 , 406 , avg: -0.19
pszczola : -47 , 240 , avg: -0.20
helgemo : -157 , 709 , avg: -0.22
VERSACE : -381 , 1600 , avg: -0.24
Nunes : -191 , 752 , avg: -0.25
SEAMON : -88 , 338 , avg: -0.26
WLADOW : -100 , 374 , avg: -0.27
WEINSTEIN : -246 , 909 , avg: -0.27
Sontag : -119 , 435 , avg: -0.27
BOCCHI : -328 , 1184 , avg: -0.28
DUBOIN : -356 , 1264 , avg: -0.28
Nystrom : -94 , 333 , avg: -0.28
piekarek : -103 , 356 , avg: -0.29
Mari : -84 , 275 , avg: -0.31
ROSENBERG : -224 , 730 , avg: -0.31
BOMPIS : -138 , 446 , avg: -0.31
Brogelan : -155 , 489 , avg: -0.32
bakkeren : -92 , 285 , avg: -0.32
sementa : -143 , 419 , avg: -0.34
Hampson : -128 , 375 , avg: -0.34
Helness : -266 , 764 , avg: -0.35
BALICKI : -190 , 545 , avg: -0.35
Levy : -196 , 562 , avg: -0.35
JASSEM : -108 , 308 , avg: -0.35
Meckstroth : -488 , 1369 , avg: -0.36
Muller : -166 , 462 , avg: -0.36
Zia : -188 , 523 , avg: -0.36
Lanzarott : -116 , 318 , avg: -0.36
HAMMAN : -333 , 908 , avg: -0.37
WESTRA : -136 , 369 , avg: -0.37
Mahmood : -177 , 478 , avg: -0.37
Multon : -115 , 309 , avg: -0.37
RODWELL : -485 , 1286 , avg: -0.38
nickell : -219 , 565 , avg: -0.39
Gitelman : -183 , 463 , avg: -0.40
WEICHSEL : -140 , 353 , avg: -0.40
lauria : -613 , 1543 , avg: -0.40
Katz : -121 , 303 , avg: -0.40
Branco : -183 , 449 , avg: -0.41
FREDIN : -181 , 441 , avg: -0.41
Stansby : -237 , 574 , avg: -0.41
Moss : -227 , 539 , avg: -0.42
Wang : -282 , 667 , avg: -0.42
Cohen : -327 , 771 , avg: -0.42
Soloway : -232 , 543 , avg: -0.43
Jonsson : -180 , 406 , avg: -0.44
Drijver : -126 , 281 , avg: -0.45
freeman : -239 , 531 , avg: -0.45
BALDURSS : -109 , 242 , avg: -0.45
HACKETT : -393 , 859 , avg: -0.46
KOWALSKI : -131 , 286 , avg: -0.46
FALLENIUS : -166 , 362 , avg: -0.46
TUSZYNSKI : -152 , 329 , avg: -0.46
Greco : -168 , 360 , avg: -0.47
Ekeblad : -189 , 404 , avg: -0.47
Elinescu : -137 , 284 , avg: -0.48
Gromov : -270 , 552 , avg: -0.49
MOLLER : -118 , 240 , avg: -0.49
CHAGAS : -235 , 476 , avg: -0.49
MARTENS : -133 , 267 , avg: -0.50
Berkowitz : -341 , 653 , avg: -0.52
Brink : -161 , 301 , avg: -0.53
Ramondt : -157 , 293 , avg: -0.54
Jansma : -167 , 306 , avg: -0.55
Dubinin : -192 , 351 , avg: -0.55
Lindkvis : -168 , 293 , avg: -0.57
Garner : -232 , 403 , avg: -0.58
GAWRYS : -177 , 304 , avg: -0.58
Chemla : -235 , 393 , avg: -0.60
Martel : -273 , 436 , avg: -0.63
PASSELL : -189 , 300 , avg: -0.63
bertheau : -270 , 412 , avg: -0.66
Schaltz : -179 , 272 , avg: -0.66
Quantin : -212 , 304 , avg: -0.70
ZMUDZINSKI : -308 , 395 , avg: -0.78
Mouiel : -292 , 362 , avg: -0.81
WELLAND : -331 , 400 , avg: -0.83
SAELENSMI : -275 , 325 , avg: -0.85
buratti : -292 , 344 , avg: -0.85
Jacobs : -356 , 403 , avg: -0.88
Average: -0.49
Overall the best defenders after first lead is made: (at least 500 hands):
BOCCHI : 2491 , 2335 , avg: 1.07
FANTONI : 1519 , 1525 , avg: 1.00
Nunes : 1519 , 1525 , avg: 1.00
DUBOIN : 2650 , 2666 , avg: 0.99
Mahmood : 1014 , 1045 , avg: 0.97
buratti : 589 , 681 , avg: 0.86
Lanzarott : 579 , 683 , avg: 0.85
GAWRYS : 470 , 563 , avg: 0.83
CHAGAS : 788 , 953 , avg: 0.83
Branco : 750 , 909 , avg: 0.83
ZMUDZINSKI : 769 , 945 , avg: 0.81
VERSACE : 2605 , 3217 , avg: 0.81
BALICKI : 832 , 1028 , avg: 0.81
lauria : 2451 , 3059 , avg: 0.80
JASSEM : 452 , 594 , avg: 0.76
Kirmse : 373 , 507 , avg: 0.74
Quantin : 439 , 597 , avg: 0.74
Gitelman : 681 , 934 , avg: 0.73
RODWELL : 1687 , 2334 , avg: 0.72
Meckstroth : 1678 , 2331 , avg: 0.72
CHMURSKI : 353 , 505 , avg: 0.70
Helness : 918 , 1324 , avg: 0.69
pszczola : 366 , 532 , avg: 0.69
Muller : 585 , 858 , avg: 0.68
Moss : 660 , 970 , avg: 0.68
BOMPIS : 594 , 884 , avg: 0.67
Soloway : 714 , 1079 , avg: 0.66
helgemo : 871 , 1338 , avg: 0.65
gromoeller : 332 , 512 , avg: 0.65
MARTENS : 365 , 571 , avg: 0.64
ROSENBERG : 943 , 1496 , avg: 0.63
TUSZYNSKI : 420 , 682 , avg: 0.62
HAMMAN : 1083 , 1773 , avg: 0.61
Chemla : 532 , 876 , avg: 0.61
HACKETT : 1048 , 1737 , avg: 0.60
bertheau : 526 , 873 , avg: 0.60
WLADOW : 362 , 605 , avg: 0.60
Levy : 679 , 1178 , avg: 0.58
Elinescu : 356 , 621 , avg: 0.57
Schaltz : 289 , 533 , avg: 0.54
Sontag : 520 , 963 , avg: 0.54
nickell : 657 , 1229 , avg: 0.53
Zia : 521 , 985 , avg: 0.53
freeman : 587 , 1119 , avg: 0.52
Mouiel : 345 , 662 , avg: 0.52
Dubinin : 391 , 756 , avg: 0.52
Nystrom : 372 , 726 , avg: 0.51
WEICHSEL : 378 , 741 , avg: 0.51
Cohen : 779 , 1533 , avg: 0.51
Berkowitz : 696 , 1408 , avg: 0.49
Levin : 557 , 1138 , avg: 0.49
Garner : 406 , 870 , avg: 0.47
KOWALSKI : 277 , 605 , avg: 0.46
Brogelan : 443 , 972 , avg: 0.46
Drijver : 257 , 577 , avg: 0.45
Hampson : 311 , 713 , avg: 0.44
Greco : 311 , 713 , avg: 0.44
bertens : 339 , 778 , avg: 0.44
Stansby : 508 , 1180 , avg: 0.43
WESTRA : 275 , 641 , avg: 0.43
Brink : 268 , 636 , avg: 0.42
Verhees : 229 , 548 , avg: 0.42
Jansma : 252 , 608 , avg: 0.41
Jacobs : 319 , 775 , avg: 0.41
Katz : 266 , 648 , avg: 0.41
piekarek : 303 , 744 , avg: 0.41
Jonsson : 282 , 706 , avg: 0.40
Gromov : 410 , 1027 , avg: 0.40
Ramondt : 226 , 572 , avg: 0.40
SAELENSMI : 247 , 632 , avg: 0.39
Wellan : 308 , 806 , avg: 0.38
Martel : 356 , 960 , avg: 0.37
Wang : 501 , 1353 , avg: 0.37
WEINSTEIN : 627 , 1705 , avg: 0.37
bakkeren : 213 , 623 , avg: 0.34
Ekeblad : 291 , 864 , avg: 0.34
FREDIN : 250 , 763 , avg: 0.33
Multon : 200 , 619 , avg: 0.32
Lindkvis : 159 , 505 , avg: 0.31
Schwartz : 156 , 505 , avg: 0.31
FALLENIUS : 219 , 795 , avg: 0.28
sementa : 209 , 871 , avg: 0.24
PASSELL : 115 , 513 , avg: 0.22
SEAMON : 78 , 570 , avg: 0.14
Average: +0.49
Have fun
(btw anybody knows how to edit so every space will have exact same size as every letter ?)
Posted 2011-February-23, 23:48
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2011-February-24, 00:57
Posted 2011-February-24, 01:33
bluecalm, on 2011-February-23, 21:36, said:
Change your font to "Courier New"
Levin : -92 , 580 , avg: -0.16
FANTONI : -127 , 767 , avg: -0.17
bertens : -77 , 406 , avg: -0.19
Well, that didn't work... Courier New makes every letter (and space) the same width, like an old-fashioned typewriter, so "FANTONI" and "bertens" are the same width, unlike in the original post. Unfortunately, it appears that the Forum removes double-blanks, so you'd have to use _ or something else instead of blanks.
Posted 2011-February-24, 01:49
Posted 2011-February-24, 03:00
bluecalm, on 2011-February-23, 21:36, said:
Put it in a code block
like this
Or use a fixed width font like Courier and replace all the spaces with the word "space" in square brackets
like this
Posted 2011-February-24, 03:38
Posted 2011-February-24, 03:47
bluecalm, on 2011-February-23, 21:36, said:
Mahmood : -177 , 478 , avg: -0.37
He does about as well under either name
Posted 2011-February-24, 03:51
Vampyr, on 2011-February-24, 00:57, said:
Since the data seems to have been pulled from vugraph records, the statistics in the list will be composite stats (i.e. both intermixed).
Posted 2011-February-24, 03:58
BillHiggin, on 2011-February-24, 03:51, said:
Both? Or all three?
Posted 2011-February-24, 03:59
I think there is a lot of variance in the opening lead so proably that's why the results differ that much. On average opening leads gives away about 1 imp/hand (can't remember how much exactly now) which is more than play is "worth" (in double dummy terms) after it.
Unfortunately the stats are limited by what vugraph operators put in to the files when filing up the names.
I cleaned this mess a bit by joining all the 6+letter names into one category (all the stats go to the shortes one on the list and "eat" all the ones which are longer but contain the shorter) so all the:
"Fantoni", "FANTONI", "Ful Fantoni", "Fantoni F." etc. becomes just "FANTONI"
I also manually joined some of the shorter names ("Nunes", "Brink", "Levin", "Cohen", "Greco", "Moss", "Levy", "Wang").
This has side effect of making stats for Cohen, Hackett, Bessiss and Lall (there are 80 hands of "Lall" in those basically useless becaue there are more players with this exact name.
(I didn't have this automatic names cleaner when I posted first part of stats that's why Levin has less hands there)
I also forgot to manually join Zia and Mahmood as you can see on the list
I will recompile later joning all the Zia's and Mahmood's.
Posted 2011-February-24, 04:15
BOCCHI : 2163 , 3519 , avg: 0.61
FANTONI : 1392 , 2292 , avg: 0.61
DUBOIN : 2294 , 3930 , avg: 0.58
Nunes : 1328 , 2277 , avg: 0.58
Mahmood : 837 , 1523 , avg: 0.55
Lanzarott : 463 , 1001 , avg: 0.46
VERSACE : 2224 , 4817 , avg: 0.46
Branco : 567 , 1358 , avg: 0.42
pszczola : 319 , 772 , avg: 0.41
BALICKI : 642 , 1573 , avg: 0.41
lauria : 1838 , 4602 , avg: 0.40
CHAGAS : 553 , 1429 , avg: 0.39
JASSEM : 344 , 902 , avg: 0.38
Gitelman : 498 , 1397 , avg: 0.36
helgemo : 714 , 2047 , avg: 0.35
ZMUDZINSKI : 461 , 1340 , avg: 0.34
BOMPIS : 456 , 1330 , avg: 0.34
GAWRYS : 293 , 867 , avg: 0.34
RODWELL : 1202 , 3620 , avg: 0.33
ROSENBERG : 719 , 2226 , avg: 0.32
Meckstroth : 1190 , 3700 , avg: 0.32
Muller : 419 , 1320 , avg: 0.32
Helness : 652 , 2088 , avg: 0.31
HACKETT : 709 , 2372 , avg: 0.30
Soloway : 482 , 1622 , avg: 0.30
buratti : 297 , 1025 , avg: 0.29
Moss : 433 , 1509 , avg: 0.29
Sontag : 401 , 1398 , avg: 0.29
Nystrom : 293 , 1043 , avg: 0.28
HAMMAN : 750 , 2681 , avg: 0.28
Levy : 483 , 1740 , avg: 0.28
MARTENS : 232 , 838 , avg: 0.28
Levin : 465 , 1718 , avg: 0.27
WLADOW : 262 , 979 , avg: 0.27
TUSZYNSKI : 268 , 1011 , avg: 0.27
Quantin : 227 , 901 , avg: 0.25
Mari : 189 , 761 , avg: 0.25
nickell : 438 , 1794 , avg: 0.24
Elinescu : 219 , 905 , avg: 0.24
Chemla : 297 , 1269 , avg: 0.23
bertens : 262 , 1184 , avg: 0.22
Zia : 333 , 1508 , avg: 0.22
WEICHSEL : 238 , 1094 , avg: 0.22
freeman : 348 , 1650 , avg: 0.21
Verhees : 159 , 783 , avg: 0.20
bertheau : 256 , 1285 , avg: 0.20
Brogelan : 288 , 1461 , avg: 0.20
Cohen : 452 , 2304 , avg: 0.20
Berkowitz : 375 , 2051 , avg: 0.18
piekarek : 200 , 1100 , avg: 0.18
Dubinin : 199 , 1107 , avg: 0.18
Hampson : 183 , 1088 , avg: 0.17
KOWALSKI : 146 , 891 , avg: 0.16
Stansby : 271 , 1754 , avg: 0.15
Drijver : 131 , 858 , avg: 0.15
Katz : 145 , 951 , avg: 0.15
WEINSTEIN : 393 , 2599 , avg: 0.15
Garner : 186 , 1258 , avg: 0.15
WESTRA : 139 , 1010 , avg: 0.14
Schaltz : 110 , 805 , avg: 0.14
Greco : 143 , 1073 , avg: 0.13
bakkeren : 121 , 908 , avg: 0.13
Brink : 107 , 937 , avg: 0.11
Wang : 219 , 2020 , avg: 0.11
Jansma : 85 , 914 , avg: 0.09
Jonsson : 102 , 1112 , avg: 0.09
Multon : 85 , 928 , avg: 0.09
Gromov : 140 , 1579 , avg: 0.09
Ekeblad : 102 , 1268 , avg: 0.08
Ramondt : 69 , 865 , avg: 0.08
Martel : 83 , 1396 , avg: 0.06
FREDIN : 69 , 1204 , avg: 0.06
Mouiel : 53 , 1024 , avg: 0.05
sementa : 66 , 1290 , avg: 0.05
FALLENIUS : 37 , 1142 , avg: 0.03
SEAMON : -10 , 908 , avg: -0.01
Lindkvis : -9 , 798 , avg: -0.01
SAELENSMI : -28 , 957 , avg: -0.03
Jacobs : -37 , 1178 , avg: -0.03
WELLAND : -39 , 1191 , avg: -0.03
PASSELL : -74 , 813 , avg: -0.09
Average: 0.166imp/hand
(Because defenders have advantage and every score is counted for only one declarer but 2 defenders, so average is above 0 here)
Posted 2011-February-24, 04:49
Overall those stats are influenced by variance, opponent selection etc. bu they seem to confirm some things which I think are true (that Balicki is better declarer than Zmudzinski, that Italians are the best in defence and that Balicki-Zmudzinski's weak point is bidding)
(at least 800 hands to include some new players)
Forrester : 440 , 819 , avg: 0.54
Drijver : 443 , 1132 , avg: 0.39
Brink : 477 , 1222 , avg: 0.39
Lanzarott : 511 , 1347 , avg: 0.38
Kirmse : 330 , 951 , avg: 0.35
buratti : 448 , 1341 , avg: 0.33
BALDURSS : 322 , 970 , avg: 0.33
Chemla : 539 , 1684 , avg: 0.32
MARTENS : 351 , 1114 , avg: 0.32
Mahmood : 624 , 2014 , avg: 0.31
Nystrom : 421 , 1368 , avg: 0.31
PASSELL : 323 , 1053 , avg: 0.31
GAWRYS : 319 , 1112 , avg: 0.29
FANTONI : 865 , 3044 , avg: 0.28
Nunes : 865 , 3044 , avg: 0.28
Hampson : 390 , 1448 , avg: 0.27
Greco : 390 , 1448 , avg: 0.27
gromoeller : 258 , 967 , avg: 0.27
Ramondt : 299 , 1141 , avg: 0.26
lauria : 1450 , 6134 , avg: 0.24
Brogelan : 422 , 1922 , avg: 0.22
Quantin : 254 , 1193 , avg: 0.21
VERSACE : 1353 , 6437 , avg: 0.21
CHAGAS : 372 , 1929 , avg: 0.19
CHMURSKI : 183 , 1008 , avg: 0.18
Lindkvis : 193 , 1087 , avg: 0.18
RODWELL : 851 , 4986 , avg: 0.17
Meckstroth : 814 , 4987 , avg: 0.16
SAELENSMI : 207 , 1270 , avg: 0.16
KOWALSKI : 189 , 1197 , avg: 0.16
Multon : 194 , 1259 , avg: 0.15
SEAMON : 186 , 1210 , avg: 0.15
Becker : 132 , 859 , avg: 0.15
FREDIN : 247 , 1625 , avg: 0.15
Jonsson : 222 , 1476 , avg: 0.15
Rubin : 138 , 933 , avg: 0.15
WLADOW : 181 , 1250 , avg: 0.14
Elinescu : 168 , 1286 , avg: 0.13
Ekeblad : 215 , 1678 , avg: 0.13
Mari : 216 , 1723 , avg: 0.13
ROSENBERG : 373 , 2980 , avg: 0.13
Zia : 221 , 1983 , avg: 0.11
Bramley : 97 , 902 , avg: 0.11
BOMPIS : 157 , 1787 , avg: 0.09
Verhees : 90 , 1025 , avg: 0.09
Branco : 155 , 1783 , avg: 0.09
Stansby : 198 , 2309 , avg: 0.09
Helness : 228 , 2782 , avg: 0.08
helgemo : 192 , 2813 , avg: 0.07
Skrzypczak : 61 , 902 , avg: 0.07
Cohen : 201 , 3010 , avg: 0.07
bertheau : 112 , 1716 , avg: 0.07
Stewart : 44 , 805 , avg: 0.05
WELLAND : 84 , 1548 , avg: 0.05
Sontag : 89 , 1855 , avg: 0.05
Martel : 88 , 1840 , avg: 0.05
sementa : 78 , 1679 , avg: 0.05
BOCCHI : 196 , 4637 , avg: 0.04
Jansma : 46 , 1184 , avg: 0.04
Manoppo : 31 , 836 , avg: 0.04
BALICKI : 57 , 1998 , avg: 0.03
DUBOIN : 129 , 5263 , avg: 0.02
WEICHSEL : 32 , 1458 , avg: 0.02
HAMMAN : 51 , 3552 , avg: 0.01
Soloway : 21 , 2205 , avg: 0.01
WEINSTEIN : 30 , 3430 , avg: 0.01
Gierulski : 4 , 888 , avg: 0.00
Berkowitz : 8 , 2797 , avg: 0.00
ZMUDZINSKI : -10 , 1842 , avg: -0.01
TUSZYNSKI : -9 , 1345 , avg: -0.01
Garner : -21 , 1701 , avg: -0.01
Robinson : -15 , 887 , avg: -0.02
Levy : -64 , 2360 , avg: -0.03
bertens : -43 , 1555 , avg: -0.03
WESTRA : -45 , 1391 , avg: -0.03
Wang : -103 , 2696 , avg: -0.04
Kholomeev : -41 , 917 , avg: -0.04
MOLLER : -42 , 934 , avg: -0.04
bakkeren : -80 , 1226 , avg: -0.07
Gitelman : -125 , 1889 , avg: -0.07
Moss : -170 , 1993 , avg: -0.09
HACKETT : -323 , 3509 , avg: -0.09
Dubinin : -149 , 1514 , avg: -0.10
Levin : -246 , 2341 , avg: -0.11
Wolff : -90 , 824 , avg: -0.11
FALLENIUS : -184 , 1518 , avg: -0.12
Schaltz : -163 , 1082 , avg: -0.15
Jacobs : -265 , 1542 , avg: -0.17
JASSEM : -212 , 1194 , avg: -0.18
Schwartz : -177 , 952 , avg: -0.19
freeman : -407 , 2164 , avg: -0.19
Katz : -256 , 1296 , avg: -0.20
nickell : -476 , 2372 , avg: -0.20
SMIRNOV : -199 , 911 , avg: -0.22
Gromov : -467 , 2099 , avg: -0.22
Zhuang : -202 , 812 , avg: -0.25
pszczola : -259 , 1023 , avg: -0.25
Muller : -488 , 1746 , avg: -0.28
Mouiel : -395 , 1344 , avg: -0.29
piekarek : -434 , 1436 , avg: -0.30
Smith : -274 , 852 , avg: -0.32
Sun : -434 , 839 , avg: -0.52
Average: -0.0009685442650556978 imp/hand so almost 0 (obviously ).
By the way, if someone has vupgrah archives from 2010 on their hard drive please contact me. I don't want to kill bbo vu archives server with 100's of requests
Posted 2011-February-24, 05:34
George Carlin