Who should smash it?
Posted 2011-February-08, 17:41
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2011-February-08, 17:37
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2011-February-08, 18:15
wyman, on 2011-February-08, 17:41, said:
IMO opinion is clear to bid 1!h. Not only do you have a perfectly suitable hand for a 1 level over call, but it massively decreases the chances that this auction will end with partner playing in some number of spades.
ALso, seems clear for south to hit this. Would never dream of axing with the north cards.
Posted 2011-February-08, 18:45
After North's strange pass, I wouldn't double 4♠ as South. And if you want North to double 4♠ (on the off chance that partner has 5 spades and couldn't double?) don't you think he would have been better off bidding at the one level instead of passing at the one level and coming back in at the four level?
Posted 2011-February-08, 21:23
Posted 2011-February-09, 08:19
mtvesuvius, on 2011-February-08, 21:23, said:
Do not underestimate the power of the dark side. Or the ninth trumph.
Best Regards Ole Berg
We should always assume 2/1 unless otherwise stated, because:
- If the original poster didn't bother to state his system, that means that he thinks it's obvious what he's playing. The only people who think this are 2/1 players.
Posted 2011-February-09, 09:36
North has a normal 1♥ overcall, but after he passed South can't expect much values in North's hand. So why Dbl and give the show away?
Posted 2011-February-09, 11:48
Posted 2011-February-10, 03:22
I can think of some arguments both for double and for pass:
- For the trump reduction to work, declarer has to have short hearts opposite a four-card suit, and quite a lot of fast winners. If partner were 0-3 in the majors he would have overcalled 2♣ or 3♣ some of the time, so there's a fair chance that declarer won't be able to reduce his trumps.
- Declarer might have a decision to make about which suit to ruff in hand, but he'll probably get that right, on the basis that North didn't overcall so won't usually have great heart length.
- A double will help him if dummy has exactly the right number of entries: if I don't double, he may innocently use one of the entries to lead a trump from dummy. That's not unlikely.
When will a double gain significantly? At IMPs, we need to get it down two about twice as often as we tell declarer how to make it. For down two, we need declarer to have two fast losers and not be able to reduce his trumps. That doesn't sound good odds, so I'd pass at IMPs.
At matchpoints, on the other hand, the difference between +50 and +100 is likely to be large, so I'd double.
Posted 2011-February-10, 11:27
Posted 2011-February-11, 01:12
Posted 2011-February-11, 06:41