Board 1. Both nv.
We don't play equal level conversion (ELC), so 2D promises extra values. What is your call?
Does 2H here shows forward going values or just a mere attempt to correct to a better contract?
Board 2. NS vul.
Okay, 4♥ is rkc for ♦, and 5♣ shows 2 rkc w/o queen. 5♥ is specific king asking, and 5♠ is suppose to show the ♠K. So, our North misbids the hand and the declarer knows other table is not going to be in this <50% vulnerable grand slam. It's time to be lucky. Your LHO lead the ♦7. RHO plays the DJ after dummy plays low. Who, east or west, is more likely to hold 4 card ♦. FYI, ♠K finisse is on. But D are 4-1 break.
Board 3, Both vul.
What call do you make?
Thanks for your comments.