Board 1:love all
Partner leads the 10♥ which can be 109x(x)(x)(x) or Q109(x)(x)(x). Plan the defence.
Board 2: NS vul
Partner opens a weak no trump 12-14, you bid stayman, partner bids 2♥, you play long suit game tries, but can't use 2♠ as a game try systemically, do you invite with 3♥ ?
Board 7: All vul
The auction proceeds with S as dealer unopposed by the oppos 2♦(multi)-2♥-2N(23-24)-3♥-3♠-6N your lead (and yes this auction is a nonsense).
Board 8: love all
W deals and opens 1♥ and it goes round the table X-4♥(preemptive)-P-P-X-P to you.
Anyway your 40 IMP lead has shrunk to 7 after this mayhem and the final indignity is this hand.
NS vul
Partner opens 1♠ in first seat, pass to you. You are playing acol style with 4 card majors and a weak no trump. You do normally respond on 5 counts. If partner only has 4 spades, then he's 15+ 4333 precisely. You don't automatically raise to 2♠ because you have 3, pass, 1N and 2♠ are all in the frame.