I started with $20.00 for the renting of robots. The first week or so I had no ads showing. Now I have to the left side of playing table a banner of ads. I put the money in to get rid of ads. Thanks.
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$5.00 remaining in BB$ Ads
Posted 2011-February-03, 16:35
Ads disappear when a BBO member spends money on BBO (a tourney entry, robot license etc.). Then, that person won't see ads for a limited period of time. To make the ads disappear it does not help to just purchase BB$. You can play a pay tourney if you want them to go away. For example try the new Bingo tourneys, they are fun
We have transferred you some BB$ to play a couple of tourneys of your choice. That should take care of the ads too, at least for a while.
Good luck!

We have transferred you some BB$ to play a couple of tourneys of your choice. That should take care of the ads too, at least for a while.
Good luck!
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