Weird, Crowhurst is the exact same as multi-landy
Yes, we also know it as Reverse Pottage.
[The HOG]
What happens if they, for argument's sake, are playing a 17-20 NT? Still no systemic x allowed?
In the UK, if 1N is natural and if the event isn't a National event, then double must be penalty, unless you are a passed hand.
Nigel is partly correct.
Paritly correct? Oh yes! Some counties and clubs exempt a few events from Orange Book Level Three restrictions
Gosh... no wonder British Bridge no longer is the world power it use to be...
I agree that bizarre system restrictions inhibit creative people from furthering their Bridge interest.
[Paul G]
Over the last few years England has just suffered from a lack of true world-class players
The lure of the USA is also a factor
Any answer to the query about how to display suit symbols? (Currently they appear as coloured boxes)
A nice NT defense An improvement over Meckwell
Posted 2004-September-08, 03:05
Only problem when people use dbl as a bid to show something except strength is that it's quite vulnerable to psyches. I think I have opened with 5-8 hp nv vs vul showing 15-17 or 14-16 when I noticed that they didn't have a penalty double to use ;/
Posted 2004-September-08, 06:02
Free, on Sep 1 2004, 02:22 AM, said:
nige1, on Sep 1 2004, 03:11 AM, said:
Over opponent's 1N, David Stevenson tells us that, for most events in the UK, we may double only for penalty (partner must almost always pass). Hence, the best we can do is Crowhurst:
- 2C....Majors (with equal length, reply 2D)
- 2D....Single suiter (almost always a major)
- 2H/S..Suit bid and a minor
or Sharples...
- 2C....Spades (may be 2/3 suited)
- 2D....T/O double of clubs (at least 3 of each other suit)
- 2H/S..Natural, good suits
P.S What can we do to stop suit symbols displaying as blank boxes.
- 2C....Majors (with equal length, reply 2D)
- 2D....Single suiter (almost always a major)
- 2H/S..Suit bid and a minor
or Sharples...
- 2C....Spades (may be 2/3 suited)
- 2D....T/O double of clubs (at least 3 of each other suit)
- 2H/S..Natural, good suits
P.S What can we do to stop suit symbols displaying as blank boxes.
Weird, Crowhurst is the exact same as multi-landy . I usually play this against weak NT, but against strong NT I don't need much penalty doubles I've noticed.
Most of the time you can't be strong enough to penalize opps in 1NT all by yourself. I had some opps playing Dbl as penalty against me, and our escape structure doesn't allow us to play 1NT*, only 1NT** or something else. I made quite a few 1NT** and some other contracts by opps doubled if they run away I only had 1 bad experience with penalty Dbl on our strong NT so far, I had 1HCP and a 3-4-3-3, partner had 15HCP and a 4-3-3-3 and we went -4 doubled in 2♥ (lucky it was MP's I guess).
So I don't agree you need Dbl as penalty. Against weak NT, you'll have a lot more situations where a penalty Dbl is better, but against strong NT the frequency is quite low that you'll have success. I still think it's better to use Dbl to get ourselves in a playable partscore (after strong NT), so you don't let opps play 1NT
I second that. You _must_ have a penalty double over a weak NT, yet it is seldom useful over a strong one. That's why I prefer Brozel over multi-landy against 15-17/16-18 NT with which there is no possibility for penalty but one can describe their own hand better.
Brozel is easy to remember. A minor shows that minor + hearts; He shows hearts + spades; Sp shows Sp + minor; NT = both minors; double is single suit, and requires 2C from the advancer. It gets more complicated if you decide to show three suiter hands.
Another neat thing is to differentiate between seats. For example, you can play multi-landy in second position but simple Landy in 4th. This gives you the opportunity to overcall 1NT with 2Sp in 4th position without promising another suit. I saw this in the profile of some Dutch player on BBO.